Saturday, October 06, 2012

Obama WINS! Or else.

Coming Soon

Res Ipsa Loquitor

CNN poll magically tightens as calendar turns... ^

In light of the access that many voters are seeking to the candidates, the town hall debate format may be a more validate forum because real people asks real questions. ..... Presenting the public controversy, not truth, seems to be the focus of the news coverage. The moderators are just another part of that system of manipulation of the public.
New York Times
Who's kidding whom?  The fantastical CNN and Gallup presidential polls have become something  of a punch line on DRUDGE.  The moderator for the Town Hall style debate is CNN's Candy Crowley.  (CBS's sycophant Bob Schieffer does the third)

 The meeting participants will be selected by by Gallup. Is it a stretch to think that organization will use the same oversampling of Democrats that they use to generate their ersatz poll results?   Of course not; it's a slam dunk that they will.

The role of debate moderator, in Democrat eyes, is manifested by the  heat Jim Lehrer is taking for "allowing" Mitt to trample poor Barry in the first debate.  The moderator's job then  is to make the Democrat look good.  Period. The New York Times is now telling us that the Town Hall debate is the valid format because (cough*cough) "moderators are just another part of that system of manipulation of the public."  Egad.

In fact, the Town Hall debate is ideally suited to generate the "Mr. Romney, have you quit beating your wife?" question.  Think I'm kidding?  Democrats are desperate. Earlier this week we learned that an NAACP official, who refuses to back Obama,  received a "we know where your kids go to school" warning from Team Obama.  The orders have been issued - Obama must be perceived to have evened the score, and it will be so reported.


Unknown said...

This satire bit says it all pretty well.......

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I'm glad you told me it was satire. Looked like straight reporting to me.

Kristophr said...

"Crafty moderate act"?

What a retard.

Romney is as far left as a Republican gets. He is the candidate because he fucking crushed the conservatives in the debates, and tied against Newt.

It was no wonder the man tore off Obama's gonads and showed them to him.

Phssthpok said...

Pulled directly from the sidebar(box?) within your post:

"...the town hall debate format may be a more validate forum because real people asks real questions."

And the NYT want's us to take then seriously when they can't even proofread their own articles? It's basic fucking English for crying out loud!.

Helly said...


That one day this nation will rise up to demand more T&A.

That one day, presidential candidates will be judged not on the color of their skin but on the content of their character.

That one day, Rodger will stop with these imbecilic polls and the curvy places shall be made plain.

Alear said...

I tape delay everything. So, late Wednesday, Obama shows up, on the debate channel. I believe PBS was the one I chose.

I hate that son of a bitch. I despise Obama. So tempted to turn it off, coz of the fact that half the next hour and half would be his despicable moronic self yapping.

I left it on, coz I do like Romney, wanted to see what he had to say. The Godzilla v Bambi rout was not what I expected.

Since the first debate was never gonna make me vote for Moochelle's hubby, was not worth it to watch. But now, I'm not only preparing the popcorn, I'm selling tickets and reloading the jacuzzi for the next debate.

October may be the best month of our time, boyos, let's see how many ways we can tie Carter and Obama. Preferably in the same gag line. Here's my version of the wight womney wabbit, so cool.

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