![]() ![]() Pending Florida |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
A Grand Old Flag
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Tom said...
I've been flying a 15 stripe - 15 star flag, The Star Spangled Banner, for the last 6 months in observance of the Bicentennial of the War of 1812 and our National Anthem, composed in 1814. They're readily available on line.
11/7/12, 10:13 AM
- Skoonj said...
Comrade, the voters have spoken. Join me in flying the red flag with gold hammer and sickle. You wouldn't want to attract undue attention from the Commissariat.
11/7/12, 10:20 AM
Anonymous said...
I thinks the GOP needs to nominate a candidate at least 2 years, maybe 3 years before the election. That would give a much longer runtime official campaigning and not this short window stuff.
oy vey ole' -
11/7/12, 10:33 AM
Anonymous said...
The Gateway Pundit points out that McCain received 3 million more votes than Romney. I hope every one who did not vote enjoys the fruits of their apathy!
Freddie Sykes -
11/7/12, 10:36 AM
- Juice said...
Think I'm going to fly the Christian flag. And bring out the Stars and Stripes next to it to honor US Military protection for over 200 years.
Until Obama turns our military against us, I will fly the flag. -
11/7/12, 10:43 AM
Anonymous said...
The Old Republic has passed away, folks,
and the rebel alliance must begin the Long March.
Remember, all politics are local.
GaGator -
11/7/12, 11:11 AM
Helly said...
Feeling kinda glum this morning. And it's not a poolman-on-two-week-vacation type of glum. It's an early-lunch-with-bloodymarys mood.
But I still have my manners. Rodger, you did well, and acquitted yourself honorably (if not with dignity.) You deserve better congratulations and lesser condolences.
I guess Mormons are the new Blacks, and de Tocqueville was right. This is Post-America America. My flag is going in the trunk, with certain other useless textiles that can only serve now to embody the memories of precious things lost. -
11/7/12, 11:15 AM
- Skoonj said...
I'm feeling better about defense cuts today. They will need less money for defense, since no one with any brains will want to stay in the military now.
11/7/12, 11:32 AM
- Juice said...
What Helly wrote, Rodger. Your positivity was my first observation as I thought, "You've got more fortitude than myself."
Thanks for that.
(Prozac kick in, eh?) ;} -
11/7/12, 11:39 AM
Cheesy said...
Our Constitution was written "for a moral and religious people" we ain't that anymore "It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Nuff said.
11/7/12, 12:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Helly, What do you mean "Mormons are the new Blacks?" Are you suggesting that the Christians stayed home to protest the Mormon instead of the commie?
thoR~ -
11/7/12, 12:11 PM
Anonymous said...
The Komrade Liar in Chief won, in a very large part, because of early voting in a lot of states. Ballots should be received in election offices only after the Tuesday one week before election day. No sooner. Further, any ballots that arrive at the election offices prior to that time should be immediately shredded, envelopes and all.
Voting some 3 weeks before election day is just plain stupid. I would bet that all those who voted early were Obamanites who did not bother to watch the debates, who do not care one solitary damn about our piss-poor economy, our guys getting slaughtered in Libya, the crappy unemployment figures (as long as they have a job, who cares about those who don't?), rising gasoline prices and food prices, or that The Komrade Liar in Chief tries to bullshit the country just about every time he opens his mouth, etc., etc.
And what could be even worse, impeachment of this sorry SOB is all but out of the question. After all, even if the Senate were to convict his of "high crimes and/or misdemeanors" who would want Joe "Feet in big mouth " Biden as President? The United States is rapidly getting to be a third world country under the Komrade. Biden would continue to work toward that end, all the while making us the laughing stock of the rest of the world.
All we as American citizens can do for the next four years, in light of yesterday's major league fuck-up, is to hope against hope for the best and batten down our hatches an prepare for the worst.
I predict that gas prices will be clost to $5.50 per gallon, food prices will rise by at least 5% to 10%, the national dept will be pushing $18-trillion, about 10-million more people will be on food stamps, Unemployment will be at 12%, not counting those who havegiven up looking for work, the military will be further reduced in strength to 1930 levels, government jobs will increase while private-sector jobs will decrease and will be going overseas. All that by the end of 2014. And to add to that dismal outlook, I will not be at all surprised to see The Komrade Liar in Chief wearing a turban and Mooshell wearing a burka before too long.
Oh well, the voters have spoken, Now we all have to live with this fuck up.
Scottiebill -
11/7/12, 12:27 PM
Helly said...
I don't have the numbers to substantiate that opinion, thoR, but that is exactly what I'm thinking.
Barry0 didn't win this election. Like everything else, it was handed to him. This was the election Republicans wanted to crawl a mile through broken glass to vote in. Yet they folded on a winning hand. Romney gets 3 million less votes than McCain? Somebody has some explaining to do.
Months ago, I was on a kayak excursion in the Keys with a group of conservatives. One guy mentioned that he didn't trust Romney on account of the Mormon thing. I asked him point blank, "Do you trust the Black Panthers more than the Mormons?!?"
He said yes: The Mormons are smarter and better organized and are determined to convert America away from Christianity.
At the time, I didn't think this was anything more than a kook and his rant. Now I think he represents the 6-8 million other Christian bigots who didn't show up.
11/7/12, 1:00 PM
- Juice said...
That thought scares me but it could be more truth than not. Obama's first election had many "Christian" voters. As a mainstream Protestant I don't like Mormonism, but considered our choice of a Muslim or a Mormon in the White House.
We voted for a US President, not a pastor. WE voted Romney Ryan.
November 7 results are stinging with great disappointment. -
11/7/12, 1:21 PM
- El Jefe said...
Mossberg Persuader and S&W Governor are now in my possession (along with a pair of 40's, a 45 and a 9). AR is next, you know, just in case...
11/7/12, 1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
I can't find any reason to be as cheerful, sunny and optimistic as Scottiebill. I'm surprised that all of his predictions didn't come true this morning.
I wonder how long Obama can resist signing an EO abolishing that pesky Constitution and Congress and naming himself King for life. I think he'd get away with it now.
GrinfilledCelt -
11/7/12, 2:00 PM
- rickn8or said...
"Moochelle in a burka"
I KNEW there was a bright spot in all of this.
And I wonder if those three million missing votes would coincide with the Tea Partiers that got dumped on at the RNC convention. -
11/7/12, 2:30 PM
Helly said...
the Tea Partiers that got dumped on at the RNC convention.
Of course there is a pinch of that too, Rick. And it highlights a much bigger problem. As individualists, about every Republican feels he would make the best president. That naturally leads to strong division and pouty pacifism.
Contrarily, it is much easier for Democrats and other personality cultists to unite under a leader. To anyone with low self-esteme, Barry40-O looks like a god. They need him because they rightly assess themselves of being unworthy of self-governance. -
11/7/12, 2:54 PM
Alear said...
The people have spoken. The bastards.
I do gotta hand it to you Rodg, you're gonna keep on keepin' on, and that's salute-worthy. I do think I'll stick along for the ride. Rubio 2016 anyone? -
11/7/12, 4:39 PM
Anonymous said...
BTW, is there going to be a shiva? When does it begin?
oy vey ole' -
11/7/12, 4:41 PM
- Mike C said...
I've shut down access to my site to prevent me from posting a screed that will get me in bad trouble. I come here to do that :-)
I got really angry this morning. Then I realized that I have really just been too nice. From now on, not a penny of my money goes to people that voted for Obama. Doctors, Dentist, tradesman, lady begging for money in the parking lot. Not one thin dime. No money to the church which didn't reject him & that POS congressmen I got either.
If an Obamabot tries to merge into traffic, i'm cutting them off. I unfriended all the a-h's on FB that said they voted for him. Hell, i'm even looking to park next to OB sticker cars in the parking lot in case I can't stop my jeep doors from swinging to far. In short, no more Mr. Nice guy. I'm done with that. -
11/7/12, 5:37 PM
- Mike C said...
Oh - and neighbors with the 'O' stickers on your cars and yard signs - the grass in front of your mailboxes are now 'very special' training stops when I walk my dogs... :-)
11/7/12, 5:53 PM
Anonymous said...
@ Tom , I have before me an opportunity to purchase the house once belonging to the sister of Francis Scott Key ! I shall be living in history , in the middle of 948 acres of land that witnessed the war of 1812 . I shall sit high on a hill , and cling to my God , and My Guns . SMH SMIBSID
11/7/12, 6:05 PM
- DougM said...
I'm beginning to agree that 57 or 50 stars is too many. We need to cut the deadwood, go lean & mean, amputate the infected limbs, prune the …
[insert pet analogy, here].
We might consider a Constitutional States of America. Hey, you can get belt buckles with CSA on 'em, and there's even a CSA flag that's not bein' used.
(What? Yes, I'm joking. It should just be called "America," and we already have the Gadsden flag.) -
11/7/12, 6:29 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
"Rubio 2016 anyone?"
Palin-Rubio!Listen to me this time, and win BIG! -
11/7/12, 7:08 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
If Helly is right about the Mitt bias, and she may be, I hadn't considered that anyone today could be that recklessly stupid as to object to a Mormon and elect an anti-Christ in his stead.
11/7/12, 7:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Inre: comments about Mormons, Christians.
I have a cousin in Idaho whom I thought was very conservative; e.g., when I asked him decades ago why he chose to live in Idaho out of many western states he explored, he said "land, freedom, no worthless niggers". He started with a tent and gradually built a nice home and outbuildings with his own hands, adding a room or building over a number of years, and raised a nice family there. He is, IOW, a hard-working self sufficient, intelligent man who proudly makes his own way.
When I talked to him two or three weeks ago, he said he was voting for Uhbama because Rommney was a Mormon, a non-Christian cult. Cousin is not hyper religious and does not even go to church regularly. I reminded him the name of the Mormon Church was properly Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, that I found the Mormons I worked with for seven years to be delighful people, he would not hear me. Why people feel that way about Mormons is beyond me; I've never had an unfavorable experience with any of them.
BTW, I heard the news dipshitz blaming the market drop today on 'uncertainty in Europe'. Bullshit. They're still in the tank for Uhbama; they can't bring themselves to say his very presence in the White House is an utter disaster for American business.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/7/12, 9:08 PM
Anonymous said...
My Flag of the Confederate States has never looked more glorious. It has been many years since she has been more germane to the discussion. Who's for round two?
11/7/12, 9:24 PM