scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Bill Whittle- A New Beginning
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Or, drop a nuke on DC (in the good way)
11/7/12, 8:40 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Whittle is a good guy, and this is quite inspirational-but frankly, I could care less about putting more people on the moon (sending some against their will has merit).
Now it's possible that Whittle's subtext here is something more important than taking joy rides into space. Like funding an independent ability to blow Chinese satellites out of the sky when that time comes. Because Obamerika will not be able.
Hmmmm. -
11/7/12, 9:14 AM
- pdwalker said...
What's he offering is a way to escape the looters and a method for how to do it.
Not just space, but education, entertainment, and others.
At this point, reforming the government will be impossible unless there is an unlikely revolution ( there won't be ), or a number of states leave the union ( they won't ).
Anyone else have some fresh ideas? -
11/7/12, 10:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Who is John Galt?
thoR~ -
11/7/12, 12:07 PM
Helly said...
Yes, Whittle is a wonderful guy. And maybe in week or so, I'll be ready to receive his message.
But objectively, he is wrong. This elections proves that America is not a virtuous nation. The light has gone out. For the 1st time in my life, I am embarrassed to be an American.
Where do I get my ObamaPhone? -
11/7/12, 1:16 PM
- Scott said...
The bulk of the populace is no longer virtuous, but there is still a fairly large minority of virtuous people scattered across this land. We need to communicate and help each other and even live in communities together and intermarry. I agree with his premise completely, but he just needs to come up with a "Cliff's Notes" version for most people.
This is not much different from the Tribes or "Phyles" described in "The Diamond Age" by Neal Stephenson.
I have been thinking of physical schools somewhat like the web based schools described by Bill for quite a while, probably 22 years since I was a H.S. teacher. -
11/7/12, 1:57 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I just listened to this again with MoSup. It's sterling. Like Scott however, when it comes time, I'd like my charity to be 4 privately run public schools. (No Unions allowed)Maybe Rush will set one up. Gotta be someone everyone trusts.
11/7/12, 7:12 PM
Anonymous said...
What makes Bill think the dot-gov would let somebody do this? Innumerable agencies would descend with inspections, fines, and injunctions.
Let it all burn.
Butch -
11/7/12, 7:29 PM
Anonymous said...
The key will be for states to limit WHO can move into their state.
11/7/12, 11:12 PM
Fierce Guppy said...
"Virtue can be taught without religion, but it's harder and it's rarer."
Rarer but not harder. Look at it this way. Teaching virtue without religion must be far easier than making Jesus into a proud, rational, self-motivated profit seeking businessman who aims to enjoy life with all that his success brings him.
Now, where are your religious principles to identify him as virtuous and the socialist as evil in demanding that the businessman's duty is to serve others and share the fruits of his success with those who have less? -
11/8/12, 1:30 AM
Anonymous said...
As anon above stated, the idea in theory is sound. Practically speaking, however, the problems arise when the very objectives we are trying to accomplish are outlawed or made cost prohibitvie through fees and regs. How then do you avoid violating the law?
11/8/12, 10:00 AM
Anonymous said...
FG...well the religious principle is simply this: Jesus NEVER forced virtue upon anyone. A socialist may think he or she is being virtuous by FORCING people to share, but in using force the virtue is instantly lost and actually becomes an evil on MANY level. As Whittle notes: virtue is an internal thing, it cannot exist as an external force against our will.
And really, if you think about it: if one's life is wholly summed up with being "a proud, rational, self-motivated profit seeking businessman who aims to enjoy life with all that his success brings him" then besides being productive has this person effectively lived any differently than the hedonist Whittle describes? Virtue is not found in hedonism. Without love and generosity, there is no virtue.
And again, such virtue cannot be forced by the government. The religious left ought to perceive laws that force people to be generous with their money as being equally an expression of Christian virtue as would laws forcing gay men to take wives. They of course do not and in so doing reveal their profound intellectual, political, and religious fallacy
So, really the question isn't whether or not religious values can allow people to be successful and productive members of society, but whether atheism can teach such people to also have true virtue which would include finding fulfillment in loving and being generous to others - a necessary component to a free and virtuous society.
11/8/12, 1:32 PM
Fierce Guppy said...
Sorry for the late reply. Stuff got in the way and I forgot about this thread. Anyhooo...
Let's clear something up. Hedonists aren't rational by definition. They act on whim not reason. It's not rational to act towards one's own destruction but hedonists will do whatever ~feels~ good irrespective of how much harm they do to themselves and others. Moving on... You write
"Without love and generosity, there is no virtue.". What about rationality, productivity, pride, honesty, justice, self-reliance and integrity? Are they not virtuous qualities? If they aren't virtues according to your religion then I'm not wrong in thinking the religious "Right" are as useless as tits on a bull when it comes to defending capitalism as a MORAL political-economic system, and hence the socialists win by default. Minus the coercion the socialist becomes a virtuous man and the capitalist I described is probably a bloody hedonist, unless he's being generous in giving away his money to others. Stands to reason why the commies found much of the continent of Europe a walkover even though the populous was, and is still, steeped in religious mysticism. Now there's a socialist prick in the White House. He's the leader of what used to be the most free, individualistic, capitalist, benevolent and moral country in the World. You guys lost the plot. Surprise surprise.
11/10/12, 4:27 AM