![]() President of the Un—tied States of Obamerica
Ye are grown
intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the
people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away
that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go! |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
The strangeness of it all ...
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Alear said...
Sad. So very very sad.
11/7/12, 1:57 AM
- pdwalker said...
It's a very, very bad day for us all. This is the day when the socialists have cemented their hold on the country. -
11/7/12, 2:32 AM
Snackeater said...
The worst thing about living through the end of a great civilization is knowing that you are.
11/7/12, 2:53 AM
Anonymous said...
I think I'll go down and apply for food stamps tomorrow.
GrinfilledCelt -
11/7/12, 3:18 AM
- Jess said...
When it's too slick and appears easily done, there's usually something in the process that's missed.
I'll chalk this one up to who counts the votes and plant the seed of doubt on whether the actual counting is really done and whether those that count have counted correctly.
Personally, I think this election will not end as well as some think. You can't piss of half the population and think they'll lay down and accept what they know is wrong; especially when they make all the money. -
11/7/12, 4:25 AM
Steve in Greensboro said...
If you are looking to assign blame, don't forget Gary Johnson, the editors of Reason magazine, and Libertarian party voters generally.
Remember Libertarians: Romney was the most libertarian presidential candidate who was even remotely electable that you will see in your lifetimes, and he would have won the popular vote if you had voted for him. -
11/7/12, 4:43 AM
- pdwalker said...
Watch what Bill Whittle has to say: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s02SypCcYIc
I think he's onto something. -
11/7/12, 4:59 AM
- Skoonj said...
Rodger, even given the evidence of fraud, I think this election proves that America has chosen communism. Given a clear choice between liberty and tyranny, Americans chose tyranny.
I see no reason to try to elect Republicans any longer. Even those who are elected are either ineffective, or work for the other side. A new political entity needs to come forward. While I might suggest the Tea Party, they are likely to be ineffective. They certainly were this year.
Given that so much was known about Obama and his party prior to the election, voters actually chose him. America has lost its sense of smell. -
11/7/12, 6:50 AM
- Jess said...
Republicans have a vested interest in the D.C. status quo, too. This election is a clear indication they are unwilling to fight hard enough to win, so the future isn't too bright for the party.
What's next? Sweeping changes in the political structure. If we can't vote them out, we'll make it so hard on them, they'll beg to leave. -
11/7/12, 6:57 AM
Anonymous said...
Steve, that is the most sourgrapes dumbassed bullshit I think I've ever read on this blog. Romney isn't a thimble full of warm spit different than Obama. Go ahead, bend over for the GOP just like you did in 2008. Just don't go acting all butt-hurt and pointing your finger at everybody who didn't do what you wanted them to do.
*spit* -
11/7/12, 7:22 AM
Anonymous said...
Bill Whittle may indeed be on to something (he's wicked smart and almost always on point), but anything that takes nearly an hour and a half to listen to, ain't gonna get listened to. Not today.
No disrespect meant, PD. Just sayin'. This really ain't the time or place, for fancy rhyme or diction.
Woke up with a massive heartache.
Sir H the Comet -
11/7/12, 7:26 AM
Anonymous said...
Elections have consequences. What we have to look forward to is
Obamacare, increased insurance premiums, the lost of experienced doctors, increase in part time workers and the possible dismantling of Catholic hospitals, schools and charities.
The fiscal cliff, debt ceiling, sequestration, deficits, devaluation and inflation.
The packing of the courts with left leaning judges.
Crony capitalism.
Out of control agencies and regulations.
Enjoy the decline!
Freddie Sykes -
11/7/12, 7:41 AM
- Skoonj said...
This election has another effect. Israel is now officially alone. I have been predicting that they will attack Iran however the election turns out. I now believe it will come as soon as November 9th. It will have to use tactical nuclear weapons, or else it will just kick the can down the road a couple of years. And that's stil wthin the Obama years.
11/7/12, 8:25 AM
- Skoonj said...
We will soon learn more about the Republicans of the House and Senate. If the leadership remains the same, we are again in the Bob Michel age. It is time for a "wartime consiglieri". If we are stuch with Bohner in the House and McConnell in the Senate, they intend to do nothing. If that's their choice, I've made mine.
11/7/12, 8:29 AM
- toadold said...
My fear is that our foreign enemies will save us from our domestic ones but at a terrible price.
11/7/12, 8:37 AM
Anonymous said...
Give away enough "free" stuff (bought with other people's money) to folks who pay attention to nothing else and you too can be President of the United States!
11/7/12, 8:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Work the ssystem:
Stop fighting abortion of the Gibsmedats and start supporting more free birth control for them. -
11/7/12, 9:34 AM
- Juice said...
There's an anvil in my stomach this morning. Think it's gonna be there for a long,long time.
11/7/12, 10:16 AM
- Juice said...
Snackeater, Yes. Knowing and walking it each declining day.
11/7/12, 10:47 AM
Anonymous said...
Sad. Just so sad. Im 62 and starting to look toward the end in many ways and this election just took my heart away. If not for worrying about my childrens future I just wouldnt give a damn.
tearful x -
11/7/12, 11:25 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
"tearful x" - is that you MoSup?
11/7/12, 7:13 PM
Anonymous said...
No Im not MoSup. Just a wondering x that fears for his family and country. Yesterday I was down to the max. Over the last four years Ive lost my parents,sister,mil,uncle,aunt, and dog. Sounds like a country song but hurts much worse. Was hitting bottom when today I read Sarahs 2 Corinthians. Lifts my heart a bit. Maybe I will stick around and fight some more.
old but can still shoot x -
11/8/12, 11:39 AM