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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Election Map
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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- Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...
Very high turnout in my deep blue district. I had one guy chant, "vote blue!" on his way out.
It was a mangy looking bunch voting. The mob was making sure their EBT cards stay filled (for now). -
11/6/12, 8:08 PM
Alear said...
Hooh doggies, I do need Florida. I recognize the Panhandle polls late, but not sure I want to be down at this point. Marco, Marco, Rubio?
11/6/12, 8:15 PM
- Mike C said...
Shutting down for the night gentleman - godspeed Romney. Godspeed our country. God help the SOBs who dare to bring it down.
11/6/12, 8:37 PM
Tom Smith said...
Egypt and Libya have just been called for Obama
11/6/12, 8:46 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm officially getting worried-looks like Ohio is Os'-looks bad so far for getting control of the Senate-FL is looking iffy too
MM -
11/6/12, 8:50 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I'm watching a full Top Gear episode on NetFlix, then checking ithe maps. Not listening to any of the blah-blah-blahs. Looks like Romeney to me at 8:58. See you in 1.
11/6/12, 9:00 PM
- Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...
Florida is just too close...
11/6/12, 9:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh God help me, not another Florida recount. This place is Brazil now if you didn't know. -Anymouse (the Anglo) reporting in from New Sau Paulo.
11/6/12, 9:35 PM
Anonymous said...
It aint Florida south of I-4.
Tim -
11/6/12, 9:40 PM
- Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...
I think FL will go Obama. Too many votes not yet counted from Miami Dade
11/6/12, 9:50 PM
Anonymous said...
I am very disappointed in Massachusetts. To elect that bimbo over Scott Brown is just unforgivable.
Bolivar -
11/6/12, 10:02 PM
Anonymous said...
It's Ball St. vs. Toledo on ESPN for me Boss.
olds-mo-william -
11/6/12, 10:09 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Ths is going Romney!
11/6/12, 10:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Rodger, I've looked at individual counties in swing states like Florida, Ohio and Virginia, and in every case, the races are very close,1-3 %, and where the Dem's strongholds are, they are reporting in now at 3%, 28%, 11% etc., while the counties where Romney and the Reps win are 89-100% reported. I do believe the Dems are waiting as long as possible to see how many votes need to be found in these crooked counties, and nothing west of the Rockies is in yet, including Kalifornia and Washington, which will probably give Commander Benghazi 67 electoral votes. Brown lost in MA, Akin the bigmouth lost in MO, Mandel is losing in OH with the Dem counties yet to be counted, the pig Alan Grayson won in a landslide in FL, Alan West is fighting for his political life, Mourdock is losing by 5% with 87% counted, Mack lost bigtime to Uhbamacare Nelson in FL. We are screwed, I believe, both with the Senate and the Presidency.
I hope you're right and I'm wrong. I've said my prayers, and I'm going to take a Unisom and go to bed with heavy heart and knotted gut. Our country is overrun and undercut with the evil, the stupid, the lazy, the greedy and the illegal. When the smoke clears, we'll have to meet behind the barn for next steps.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/6/12, 10:55 PM
Anonymous said...
November 6, 2012 11:15 PM
The end of the greatest nation that ever was.
GrinfilledCelt -
11/6/12, 11:20 PM
Anonymous said...
To anybody who voted for the commie I calmly say don't ever complain to me about taxes, debt, regulatory burden, electricity cost through the roof - it will fall on deaf ears. This country is totally and truly fu#(ed and there is no solution now - the quicksand we are in will consume us as the rope to rescue us is now gone.
Bolivar -
11/6/12, 11:37 PM
Cheesy said...
Fuck it, we're all Zimbabweans now.
11/6/12, 11:40 PM
- rickn8or said...
AND Hillary is cussing a blue streak right now, her plans for 2016 just went out the window.
11/6/12, 11:46 PM
Anonymous said...
the berks strike again
11/7/12, 12:03 AM
Anonymous said...
Well, I guess I can say america is over-like that dreadful moment in The Body Snatchers when you realize you're in the minority, it's here.
Those of us who know that personal responsibility and small government are lodestones are now forced to walking around in a sea of pod people.
In another 4 years, as we've been so AMPLY warned, we won't recognize what we grew up with. I've joked about maybe needing us to see donkeys clanging down the darkened streets for millions to finally get it but yaknow what? If that were to happen-and it will-the "rich" will get the blame and our overlords will skate.
There truly is nothing more Obama could have fucked up worse yet it didn't matter.
I don't know if in my whole life I've ever been more heartbroken realizing there's an unrecoverable past in my wake.
MM -
11/7/12, 12:09 AM
SFAOV Sgsaur (for the last time) said...
I agree with everything MM, Bolivar, Lt. Col Tailgunner Dick & GrinfilledCelt said above. As this is my last post on the 'net, I just want to say thanks and Godspeed to everyone here and when y'all make the call to meet behind the barn, look for the well-armed Mississippian - It'll be me.
11/7/12, 12:43 AM
Anonymous said...
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ Great resource for the breakdown.
I have been driving around my State (Wa) and phone calling registered R's that vote infrequently to make sure that they have voted. Everyone understands that it is a real important election. The common response is Governor (R), Prez (D). I don't understand it. It is driving me nuts.
I know that things are bad and there is something I can do, and I did it.
Funny thing that I realized is that this was modeled after the Dems doing the same thing and that is how they materialized 2000 votes to steal the governorship a few years ago. In our county, we were able to turn in 5, yes FIVE votes that we were able to pick up. That just confirms for me that those 2k votes stole the election.
thoR~ -
11/7/12, 12:52 AM