Everything -- Except the Polls --
Points to a Romney Landslide
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, November 05, 2012
Everything -- Except the Polls --
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Billll said...
I don't think it's going to be all that close either, but give them credit. If it is going to be close, I don't want to lose because I didn't vote or because someone I could talk into coming out didn't.
Crawl across ground glass to vote Obama out. -
11/5/12, 3:23 PM
Cheesy said...
Cheating is the only way bammy will win, and there's already word it's happening. Question is, if he wins due to blatant cheating (thinking al franken here) will we do anything about it?
11/5/12, 4:44 PM
- Mike C said...
There's this that I found in the parking lot of a grocery store I go to on the way home that's near a Hispanic enclave:
No Photo ID Needed in Virginia -
11/5/12, 5:21 PM
Alear said...
I'm with Rush on this: It's gonna be a landslide.
Speaking of cheating, a buddy was telling me about a poll he took (for some reason, he doesn't just hang up like I do). He said it was slightly odd to begin with, but at the end he was told to remember to vote at his location on Hamilton Road. His venue is nowhere near Hamilton. I have heard before of Dems misrepresenting themselves to give out misleading info like this. -
11/5/12, 6:07 PM
- toadold said...
While an operative can always find "useful idiots" to do the work of running and operating a cheat if the legitimate votes against reach a certain point you have to start spending for walk around money and professionals. If you are having to spend "cheat" money in a lot of states eventually you have to do triage on where you are going to spend the money. Also with the number of poll watchers with cell phones, compact cameras, and hot line telephone numbers you have to have money in reserve for bail. On top of that there is one group of poll watchers who are ex-military who seem to have a lot of ex infantry and SEAL's in the group. They swear they are not going to get into altercations....in the polling area.
11/5/12, 6:31 PM
Helly said...
Quite awhile back, didn't somebody comment that the polls would be tight, right up to the Romney landslide?
Oh wait … that was me. -
11/5/12, 6:42 PM
I-RIGHT-I said...
It has to be a landslide or we've got a real problem.
11/5/12, 6:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Landslide? Romney will be lucky to get 296. Obama will either win the rest or they will be close enough to steal.
Bad polls may convince the O-bots to stay home, especially given their lack of excitement as demonstrated by turnout at rallies. I am sure that millions of them will not vote but distinctly remember doing so.
I voted but did not have to crawl over broken glass to do so.
Freddie Sykes -
11/5/12, 7:50 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Cheer up Freddie - It's all over for the wetback.
11/5/12, 8:21 PM
- Kaptain Krude said...
I heard that this morning as I was getting ready to go to work. I got a little miffed at Rush for focusing so much on the popular vote. We really need to focus on the electoral vote. I keep having this nightmare that we win the popular vote in a landslide, but lose the electoral vote by 1. It would be bitter to have the opposite of 2000 happen.
But tomorrow is going to be a good day. I know it.
I agree with Billllll; crawl across any kind of glass to vote Obama out. Maybe Mitt could hang a sign on O's back as he escorts him out of the White House: Hit the road, Barack, and don't you come back. -
11/6/12, 2:36 AM