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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, November 23, 2012
JFK and God
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Tom Smith said...
One of my post election rants recalled JFK and said he could never be a democrat candidate in this day. I also think a republican could dust off most of what he said and get elected especially if he followed each line with "Thats what JFK said".
I dont think we are too far gone to turn the ship its just that the payers of the free shit brigade are too few in number. Obamacare will fix that. Cant wait to hear the screams from the "poor" when they have to pay those penaltys. -
11/24/12, 7:13 AM
Anonymous said...
I am not as sure as you are. They hold all the cards - Supreme Court with Roberts sucking the presidential dick, Senate with Reid bearing the porking from the Royal prick and last of all the media whose fellatio and bending over for the royal dick to send them to bliss.....no not all is well and our republic is very much in danger. You note a similar vein in each of my examples because we are all scrude and I don't know if there is a big enough Morning After pill to undo the porking we are enduring.
Bolivar -
11/24/12, 7:26 AM
- george said...
Dear Tom, Don't worry you will still pay for the Poor.
Your friend,
Barrak -
11/24/12, 7:32 AM
Tom Smith said...
Yeah I probably will and have. I guess their main back door to paying is if they dont enforce the penalty. I also hope the few remaining SC judges that have a brain get very good health care.
11/24/12, 7:48 AM
- rev said...
Pious words from another politician who stole an election....
11/24/12, 8:24 AM
Anonymous said...
"WASHINGTON (AP) — When black voters gave President Barack Obama 93 percent support on Election Day in defiance of predictions that they might sit it out this year, black leaders breathed a collective sigh of relief."
Here:Blace Voters Leverage Loyalty
Ninety Three Percent. 93%
That leaves only 7% that either didn't vote, or didn't vote by race. The 100% precincts or 99% or 98% or even 97% are racist precincts. The based their voting decision totally upon skin color, or heritage.
So, next time you run into a person of color, remember that only 7% put their country above their melanin content. Teh Won has succeeded in creating more racial tension now than there has been in 50 years.
I worked my whole life under "Equal Employment Opportunity" and "Racial Quotas" and "Affirmative Action" to make up for things that happened before I, or even my parents, were born. I can think of many promotions that were given not to the senior, most qualified, but to the person of specific color or gender. My whole life.
Enough is enough.
We now have an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action head man, and race is being used, was used, to get him elected with no skills and experience, and to keep him in office when he had proved his incompetence.
"Political Correctness", that hobbler of truth, will not stop me from saying this:
I am not racist, never was, but sure am looking at doing to the people of color what they have just done to this country.
They and we live in the best country in the world, and they are determined to destroy it like they have so many cities across the country, with graft and corruption, rigged bids that go to their friends of color, and every other damn thing that takes the money but then doesn't do the work.
The city schools are failures, produce very little success, and have generally sentenced their 'students' and 'graduates' to lives of poverty and crime. The 'generosity' of the State has produced more of what was rewarded, laziness and ignorance, crime and death, and there is no way out except by hard work. Good luck with that.
Why work when the 'gummint' will provide. As was on the air recently, the mother of several children said: "Someone has to pay for my children." Right. But not you? How about, NOT ME! Take some responsibility.
Ok, this was a big-time rant. But, I refuse to accept being called racist every time I disagree with someone's opinion. I do not accept it, but when I read of these results, I realized that 93% of the people of color are thinking about RACE when they go about their business. Apparently, it is always on their mind. Me, not so much.
So, who is the true racist?
Anonymous, but only because I don't want to be hauled off at midnight for saying what I believe. BTW, I DON'T do films... -
11/24/12, 9:47 AM
TimO said...
The people who voted for Obama don't care... as long as they get their EBT cards, free cellphones and mega-extended unemployment benefits letting them sit at home on the couch drinking beer and watching the flat screen TV they took out of the store window during the last 'community uprising'....
11/24/12, 9:53 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
"The people who voted for Obama don't care"
Which is why we are doomed to civil war, or abject surreneder. IMO -
11/24/12, 12:59 PM