scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, November 10, 2012
PBS Political Party Trash Quiz
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- pdwalker said...
What is worse are open ended questions like:
"The government needs to do more to make health care affordable and accessible."
To which I would answer "yes, absolutely - they should get out of the business of health care and health insurace, deregulate the market to that free market principles get to work and make it better and less expensive for everyone."
But "yes" in this case would clearly be a vote for more government control.
bastards. -
11/10/12, 10:30 AM
I-RIGHT-I said...
"The growing number of newcomers from other countries threaten traditional American customs and values."
Make that "heathens from third world shitholes" and you have a true statement.
11/10/12, 10:54 AM
Ed "FishStyx" Hamilton said...
My ideals and beliefs are mocked and belittled constantly by my coworkers. For the last 15 years I have been the "evil, knuckle-dragging, conservative fool" who "obviously doesn't understand" the issue at hand...except when I detail the given problem. ...at which point my coworkers become either speechless children or raging loons.
Wednesday morning, November 7th, was the first time in my life that I have ever actually FELT like a "wage slave". The majority of my income goes to the state, in one form of tax or another. This election proved that the leeches have effectively become a majority horde and will not be satisfied until they have it all.
With the exception of taking care of sick family members and a disabled automobile, I have not missed a day of work in almost 5 years. No vacations. No time off.
I did not go to work on Wednesday.
I could not bring myself to feed the "maw".
I spent the day discussing with my wife the options of joining the "rabble".
...I'd get:
Unemployment benefits
Financial Assistance
Food Stamps
Free medical
Out from under an upside-down mortgage.
...and all I have to do is give up my self-respect.
The cost is too high.
I'll hold tough with the Barn-Army, if I may.
"...with my shield or on it."
Keep the faith folks. It's what we've got. -
11/10/12, 12:00 PM
- george said...
I believe the "left wing commie" rating belongs where PBS has labeled "moderate democrat" or even "independent". SPIT
11/10/12, 12:53 PM
Steve in Greensboro said...
I'd love to see a 2-D map of the quiz results v IQ. I'd bet you'd see a direct relationship between conservatism and IQ.
11/10/12, 1:35 PM
Steve in Greensboro said...
This reminds me of the science fiction story where aliens spread a lie that the average man's wiener was about 20% longer than it actually was. The idea was to demoralize the average human male (not me of course) to make it easier to conquer them.
11/10/12, 1:44 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
agree with you george. I moved the scale to reflect just that
11/10/12, 2:35 PM
Helly said...
Rodge, their is a fundamental reason why this quiz doesn't work for you. A 1-dimensional political model is nonsense.
I think you would better find your place in the 2-dimensional model offered by politicalcompass.org. Much more interesting. Everyone I know, who has taken the test, felt it reflected their character and gave them new insight into how they fit into the political scene. -
11/10/12, 2:37 PM
- george said...
Thanks Helly X=8.37 Y=1.73
Cool, I'm between Romney and Friedman -
11/10/12, 3:21 PM
Helly said...
I have stabilized over the past 7 years into the mildly anarcho-right quadrant: 4.6, -2.2
When Rodger comes in at 9,9 the world will finally acknowledge I am far more Libertarian.
Anarcho-Lefies, aka Democrats swarm in the southeast zone. So instead of liberals, we should call them libertines. -
11/10/12, 3:35 PM
Anonymous said...
ME *TOO*!!! Oh, how misery loves company (/S).
11/10/12, 6:11 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Here' ya go Helly - This is the 4th or 5th time I've done this over the past decade, and the results have a always been thus. I am a classic
neo-liberal (having or showing belief in the need for economic growth in addition to traditional (ca Adam Smith) liberalistic values. -
11/10/12, 7:22 PM
- Jess said...
When I checked my score, it put a dent on the right side of my screen.
11/11/12, 11:31 AM
Helly said...
Got it, Rodge. That explains everything. LOL
Very sporting of you to concede Libertarian bragging rights. -
11/11/12, 4:24 PM