![]() Ron White told about flying on an 8-seat commuter plane when the pilot announced (by yelling over his shoulder) that he was losing engine oil pressure, and would have to turn back. Ron'd been drinking since lunchtime, so when everyone was freaking, he was like "Take it down! I don't care!" The guy next to him was losing his mind, which caused White to surmise that "he must have had something to live for." It's in that spirit that I continue. I was much taken with Bill Whittles post election monologue "A New Beginning," the first 28 minutes anyway. He makes several points; one is that he's "not talking about revolution, but the direct opposite of that." Another is that we must not overtly challenge the government, but run parallel structures to it. And, he urges that we make sure not to do anything that will give government the excuse to throw us in jail. It was a brilliant ad libbed presentation, made while the last Wisconsin ballots were still in transit from Illinois. It provided for me a sense of calm when I had been, frankly, coming apart at the seams. Still, I end up asking myself, to what end? In describing, rather brilliantly, the mindset of the people who now run things, it's clear that there is no changing those minds. These are morally corrupt, "live for the moment" people who have never known deprivation, and who have ceded control of their lives to government institutions. We are now then a nation of 25 states, but with a cancer gnawing our borders. There are other sage commentaries about what happened, or rather, describing it beforehand. We are familiar with them, and are among the primary source documents of this nation's founding, e.g., these from T.J. “A
little rebellion
now and then is a good thing.”
“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … And what country can preserve its liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure” We have a choice then. Docile compliance with dictates from a government entirely at odds with the constitution it had sworn to uphold; or refusal. It seems to me that the latter course first requires, as it did with the founders, a realization and acceptance that living under the heels of this current and lawless regime is intolerable. And like them, be willing to risk all, pledging life and property to it's cause. We
have heard it from all the
usual suspects – Sheila Jackson Lee, Julián Castro, and other Texas
Democrats – but now even Jeb Bush is predicting that the Lone Star
state will be blue by 2016.-text
First step—we who are caught living behind enemy lines, so to speak, must relocate to the United States. It will not be easy leaving, in some cases, family behind, but it's imperative. Only by swelling the remaining free states with like minded people (and votes) can we establish state governments willing to formally expel Blue states, cutting all ties and obligations with, and to Obamerica. And it must be done NOW. I'm a cup half
full guy, so while some may look at the map of the new United states
and say, "we're surrounded by Obamunists," I say, "We have cut their
lines of communication!"
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, November 09, 2012
These 25 United States
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Esteve said...
Without wishing ill on stupid folks, the only hope for Florida joining the red coalition will be when the millions of retired northern union Democrats loose their pensions in the coming crash and are forced to go home to their blue states. Then the entertainment industry follows with Disney/Universal packing up and leaving. Those few who vote constitutionally are welcome to stay. I'm an eternal optimist.
11/9/12, 8:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Just stopping the snowbirds from voting in both Florida and their home states would be a step in the right direction. Ditto for out of state college students.
Freddie Sykes -
11/9/12, 11:32 AM
Anonymous said...
During the Tuesday night vote tally debacle, Fox News would post a map of the assorted precincts as they were declared, one way or the other. It amazed me how much of the national map was RED! Sadly, it included so much of the rural areas of this fine nation. We are many in numbers; we just aren't concentrated in the Right areas!
We will try again in 2014. Till then, Never give in; NEVER give up! -
11/9/12, 12:11 PM
Anonymous said...
"They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can't get away from us now!"
"Chesty" Puller, USMC
11/9/12, 12:46 PM
- Juice said...
I had high hopes for Colorado. Even though we live in a conservative area we were especially surprised when every sitting Rep was ousted for a Lib. But then mfing college town, Haight-Ashbury transplants, pot smoking Durango has its effect. As usual.
This is a huge gun state. By the time Big Brother comes to take them away stupid voters will be too late.
A change is coming down the pike as we've been told by law officials, to get our ccw's. We took the class and applied as quick as jack rabbits. We're arming up and awaiting our ccw's in the mail. Before it's too late. -
11/9/12, 12:49 PM
Anonymous said...
We would move back to our home state of Montana from Washington State in a heartbeat.But we are on Social Security and do not have money for such a move. And, I'm sure, we are not alone. So, even though I am an agnostic (read, failed Lutheran), pray for those of us who are stranded in Obamerica.
Scottiebill -
11/9/12, 12:49 PM
- Juice said...
*awaiting ccw permits in the mail.
11/9/12, 12:50 PM
TomR armed in Texas said...
I'm a Texan. I have nothing but disappointment in the Bushs. I had feared that Jeb might enter the GOP primary. He would have been my next to last choice. My last choice won the primary.
"Secede" is not an unknown word here. To have 24 more red states join us if that effort was made would be grand. The blue states would collapse. -
11/9/12, 2:41 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Texas is the logical choice to secede since with its port, oil, and military bases it can be self sufficient. If Texas made the move I belive sevearl others would follow in a heartbeat.
11/9/12, 4:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Are you in CO Juice? Next time you pass Canon, let me know.
As far as a CCW, eff that, my name ain't going on no list nor in any damn date base.
MM -
11/9/12, 4:11 PM
Anonymous said...
CCW holders will be the first targets when they come for your guns !
11/9/12, 4:51 PM
- Juice said...
See all those red states on the map? They honor our CO ccw permit. We will be among the armed at the next mall shooting, etc.
As for scoped babies, ain't gonna tell ya. Plus, they can always get lost or stolen. -
11/9/12, 6:28 PM
- Juice said...
Aren't you the guy with the beautiful stained glass business, as I remember? Thought you were up north. We are in SW CO, four corners area. -
11/9/12, 6:30 PM
- Juice said...
Nice touch! Thanks -
11/9/12, 6:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Florida, hanging down there like a Donkey Dong, will return to the Red State Fold when we give it a big circumcision and toss away the foreskin that is now totally infested with third world riff-raff.
11/9/12, 7:19 PM
Darrell said...
"Don't Californicate Colorado" bumperstickers were popular in CO 35 years ago. Well, it's happened, we are CA East now. :(
11/9/12, 10:14 PM
- Chizbro said...
I'm staying here in Illinois, behind enemy lines, so to speak. As the man said in band of Brothers:
2nd Lt. George Rice: Looks like you guys are going to be surrounded.
Richard Winters: We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded -
11/9/12, 10:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey Juice-left Golden last year and moved to Canon-better nearby hunting and Monarch is about to open-it's a conservative small town in very conservative county. Of course if you board or ski, Wolf Creek is Teh Awesome.
MM -
11/9/12, 11:49 PM