scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
This was on Ann Romney's Facebook wall today ...
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- pdwalker said...
I think I'm going to watch Michelle Jenneke again.
11/21/12, 12:32 PM
- DougM said...
I don't believe it.
A plot like that would've had to have been concocted by some stupid, incompetent, and treasonous …
Oh, wait. -
11/21/12, 12:55 PM
renojim said...
That would explain this story that quickly disappeared -
...General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his
second in command (Rodriquez) apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now
relieved of his command....
...The story continues that now General Rodiguez would take General Ham’s place as the head of Africom...
...Sure enough Obama nominated Gen. David Rodriguez to replace Gen. Carter Ham as commander of U.S. Africa Command...
But I don't understand how staging the attack helped Obama. Maybe I'm just thick. Can somebody help me with that?
11/21/12, 1:00 PM
Anonymous said...
And here we are demanding to know where Rice received her talking points rather than demanding to know exactly what orders where issued to the troops and by whom. Rice is less less important and more of a distraction from what is important: how did we react during the 7+ hour battle.
Freddie Sykes -
11/21/12, 1:13 PM
Anonymous said...
If this is true ,then charges of treason must be brought against Obama immediately!
11/21/12, 2:05 PM
Anonymous said...
If this is true, then there are written orders somewhere to that effect.
OTOH, if it is true that O ordered all help to be provided "as available", paraphrasing what he claimed, then there would be WRITTEN ORDERS for any and all to get off their duff, etc.
Let us see those written orders. They exist if there was message traffic, and someone can let a copy slither loose from the swamp.
Issa and crew { I don't know exactly who} should DEMAND to see what O instructed the armed forces to do and WHEN. AND who ordered anyone at all to STAND DOWN, such as the CIA guys who attempted rescue. Let's see the orders.
tomw -
11/21/12, 2:36 PM
- Jess said...
I've reached the point to think Issa, and the rest, will only do something as terrible as holding their breath to punish those involved.
In a more perfect world, all involved would have given the information, whether willingly or not. Murder is serious business and those involved need severe punishment. -
11/21/12, 3:20 PM
- Shayne said...
It was actually on an Ann Romney fansite, not the almost First Lady's personal Facebook page.
11/21/12, 4:40 PM
- rickn8or said...
This needs to go viral.
As was noted in the article, instead of trying to find out who gave the orders that lead to the four mens' deaths, we're concentrating on where Petraeus is parking his wiener and who's editing his memos.
WTF are we funneling money to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas?
It is my fervent hope that Benghazi cripples and terminates Øbama's second term just as Watergate did Nixon's and for the same reason. Unfortunately, with Weepy Golf-Buddy Boner acting as gatekeeper, I don't see any serious moves made in that direction. -
11/21/12, 4:45 PM
Anonymous said...
The end of civilization as we know it is not the A-bomb or even the H-bomb. It is the O-bomb, the pretender in chief and all those associated with him. Would they please self detonate and save us the rope.
ignore amos -
11/21/12, 7:59 PM
Anonymous said...
While many elements of the story may be true, (I would put no treachery past Commander Benghazi, formerly Captain Bullshit, now demoted, to get himself reelected) the tone sounds like it was written by the same pseuds who love to speculate about the Bilderburgers, that the WTC Was An Inside Job, that Elvis killed Jimmy Hoffa, etc.
Poor guy couldn't stand the dissecting he woud get on another forum where knowledgeable folks could quiz and discuss, but instead posted on a site with a large general audience that would deal with it like some of the does who comment on Youtube.
One thing that jumped out at me was if the AC-130's were at Sigonellla, the most logical location in the area, then they could not possibly get to Benghazi, 469 miles away, in 45 minutes. Maybe two hours if they were fueled, armed, crewed and ready to roll when the alarm went up.
Don't get me wrong; the whole affair, from events in Benghazi, to the lies and diversions in DC, stinks to high heaven, but this Facebook posting sounds grasping to me.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/21/12, 8:12 PM
- george said...
If there is a spec of truth in this then I suspect we can place faith in the fact that a military coup is still plausible here. The men involved are learning the facts and I doubt would honor their oath if ordered to assault the US and it's citizens.
11/21/12, 9:15 PM
- Kristophr said...
Someone is repeating conspiracy stuff again.
You don't need to invent a complicated "october surprise" conspiracy to explain why Obama allowed AQ to sack a US consulate.
He allowed it because he is a complete poltroon and a nincompoop.
Not because he is some kind of failed mastermind.
Where do people come up with this crap? -
11/22/12, 1:32 AM
- rickn8or said...
Kristophr, or he dithered and couldn't/wouldn't make a decision.
Yeah, that's a simpler solution. Shoulda thought of that. -
11/22/12, 10:34 AM
Anonymous said...
Poltroon. Sounds like something Bugs Bunnys would call him. Is that the same as Assh***?
livin the 4 more years of hell x -
11/22/12, 12:43 PM
- Kristophr said...
Google is your friend, x.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/poltroon -
11/22/12, 5:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Google? Always been partial to Bing since white Xmas.
Non-researchable x -
11/23/12, 12:25 PM
- cmblake6 said...
It is not just Ovomit responsible for this, it is all of it's downline involved as well. All of them must be held accountable, and punished, to the fullest extent of the law.
11/26/12, 2:41 PM
- cmblake6 said...
I say again, in cuffs or feet first.
11/26/12, 2:49 PM