Beat Facial Recognition
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, December 20, 2012
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
SFAOV Sgsaur said...
Did you get the e-mail I sent you yesterday? -
12/20/12, 10:17 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
? NO what was it? did 7ypu send it to the pecksnif addy?
12/20/12, 11:31 PM
Anonymous said...
"Warning shit" ? ; ) > SMIBSID
12/21/12, 1:09 AM
Anonymous said...
Yeah, SMIBSID, I get a mental picture of Rodger flying along with his a$$ hanging out of a hole in the bottom of the plane. =0D
GrinfilledCelt -
12/21/12, 2:12 AM
Anonymous said...
A warning shit might deter me. Depends on the caliber, velocity and projectile construction, and the accuracy of the marksman, of course.
Sir H the Comet -
12/21/12, 7:59 AM
Anonymous said...
...and whatever the gunner had for dinner! Can I have a little girl, "Ewww! Gross!" Thank you.
12/21/12, 11:08 AM
Anonymous said...
Warning shit. Just trying to make em feel at home..
Fecal dropping x -
12/21/12, 12:05 PM
- Skoonj said...
Gabriel D'Annunzio, the first Il Duce, actually flew an airplane over the Vatican, and dropped a bag of his own feces on it.
12/21/12, 1:00 PM
SFAOV Sgsaur said...
Sorry Boss. I've been travelling and didn't get your response until this morning. I sent it to the pecksnif address from my AOL account. It was the following - I didn't know if you'd want to post it or not, so I didn't put it into comments until now (since this has already dropped off the main page). I wrote this last Wednesday night and it pretty much sums up my feelings. Blogger rejects it because it's too long, so I'll have to split it up.
12/24/12, 1:37 PM
SFAOV Sgsaur said...
I posted the below earlier on Facebook:
An American Gun Owner’s Story
As most of my friends know, I left social media and numerous blogs to which I was a frequent contributor in the wake of the 2012 election, because I was disgusted with the direction that I perceived my beloved country took. I felt that my voice was neither needed nor wanted, and rather than stirring up discord I would keep my views to myself and let the rest of the country go to whatever hell it chose. I now see the error in judgment that I made, because despite whatever might be deemed politically correct at the time, this country was built on the principal that all views should be heard.
It has now been almost a week since the tragic mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School. My heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones in that senseless massacre. They are constantly in my prayers. In the aftermath, there has been a deluge of calls for harsher gun control measures – everything from banning high-capacity magazines to outright
confiscation of certain scary-looking weapons. I will not purport to enter into
that morass; rather I want to tell my story as a long-time gun owner,
competitive shooter, veteran, NRA Benefactor Life Member and parent. Conclude from my story what you will.
I am a gun owner and collector. I am a competitive shooter in many disciplines. I have a concealed carry permit, and I always carry. I have guns in my collection that are over 200 years old, and a gun that I bought brand new just two weeks ago. I have guns that belonged to my great-grandmother, my grandfather, my uncle and my dad. I have guns that were
given to me as gifts, guns that I purchased, inherited, and won as prizes. I
have hunting guns, target guns, plinking guns, display guns, personal protection guns, home defense guns, investment guns, heirloom guns and guns that are just fun to shoot on a sunny day at the range. I have weapons, that due to the Firearms Control Act of 1934, require special paperwork, additional background checks, additional fees, and a special tax stamp from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) to own. I have the appropriate paperwork from the BATFE to legally own these weapons. I have guns that wouldn’t hit the broad side of a barn at thirty feet, and guns that (in the right hands – mine included) are extremely accurate to well over 1000 yards.
I was raised around firearms. I shot my first gun at the age of 4 (Dad’s .22
derringer) and I still have that gun in my collection today along with the first
rifle (my grandfather’s .22 lever action Marlin) and the first shotgun I ever
shot (Grandpa’s old Iver Johnson 16 ga single shot). I was taught gun safety and the rules of safe gun handling. I was also taught how to hit what I aimed at, but more important than that I was taught to never aim a gun at anything I
didn’t want to destroy.
My daughter is almost 20 years old now and can make the same statement that I made above. She owns several rifles and shotguns herself and is a proficient shot with each.
I have won ribbons & medals (Expert Rifle & Pistol shot) in the Navy, and numerous trophy’s, certificates & prizes in the civilian world for shooting. I am a certified firearms instructor, and have taught hundreds of people over the years how to properly & safely handle and accurately shoot their firearms and defend themselves and their loved ones from violent attackers.
I have been a longtime fan of westerns, action movies and horror films. I have played violent video games since there has been such a thing. I have both watched and played violent sports all my life. When I was younger and dumber, I even enjoyed fighting and have the scars to prove it.
As I stated before, I have a carry permit, and I'm always armed with at least one gun and two knives. In a life or death situation, I would not hesitate to use whatever force was necessary and appropriate to defend myself or my loved ones.
12/24/12, 1:40 PM
SFAOV Sgsaur said...
Along with the aforementioned firearms, I also own numerous bows, large knifes, swords and other weapons. I know how to efficiently use all of them. While I have not had the time recently to hunt, in the past many of these weapons have provided meat for my table and those of family, friends, and neighbors, as well as food pantries and needy individuals in my community.
I went through a messy and acrimonious divorce and numerous arguments and fights over the years, all while having access to many high-powered weapons.
Given everything I have stated above, the thought has never crossed my mind to use a weapon to end an argument or settle a score. I don't feel the need to flash my gun to get respect or street cred. I have never had the desire to kill a bunch of innocent people to become famous or get even with society or individuals for perceived wrongs. When politicians and the media are in full-on "blame something mode" and are engaging in what I consider to be a reckless combination of Russian roulette and mental masturbation, you may ask yourself how and why I can make the above statements. After all, if our president, our congressmen and senators, our media personalities, and our intelligentsia all deem that the blame for such mass murders as Sandy Hook, Aurora, Columbine, and far too many others are the direct
fault of the guns used, the violent video games played, or the violent movies
watched by the purported powerless perpetrators, who am I to argue?
The only answer I can give is that I was always taught that a gun or any weapon was a tool, the same as a hammer, a wrench, or a screwdriver - a tool that had both proper and improper uses. It was not a toy to be played with. It was capable in the right hands of protecting life while in the wrong hands it was capable of taking life on a massive scale. It was a tool to be respected by the user but not a way for the user to gain otherwise undeserved respect. Further, I was taught to respect human life. I was taught that all human life is precious and should only be taken, whether by an individual or a state, in the most dire of circumstances. I was also taught to believe in and fear God.
It is my belief that in all cases of senseless gun violence, the one thing that
differentiates the perpetrator from me are the aforementioned things I was
taught. God has been legislated and litigated from our daily lives, schools,
workplaces, and the public square and relegated to half-empty Sunday morning services. In far too much of our society, our children are now taught (and our adults now believe) that the world owes the individual respect rather than that the individual should have to do something worthy of earning respect for themselves. In this portion of society (which is far wider and more complex than can be ascribed to any individual racial, ethnic, or socio-economic group), it is believed that the bigger gun or the greater crime, rather than the greater good or deed is the path to respect. Human life is no longer respected. When innocent babies are killed as a form of birth control while murderers on death row are defended by Hollywood and members of the more liberal clergy, how are children who are not taught right from wrong by parents who care about them supposed to develop a properly aligned moral compass?
Take from the above diatribe what you will. I can assure you of only a few things: that my guns, and those of millions of law abiding Americans will never be used to commit a senseless act of violence; the motivations of the those in power who's answer to every crime is gun control have less to do with genuine concern about the crimes committed and more to do with control; everything is too complex to be solved with a 30 second sound bite; and unless we address all of the issues I mentioned, as well as many others, we will never end the violence that plagues our society.
Feel free to comment or repost this as you see fit. -
12/24/12, 1:40 PM