Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gross Sequester Lies

Res Ipsa Loquitor

During the Clinton Terror it soon dawned on me that no day went by without Slick telling a lie.  I even thought about documenting that and making a book out of it, but I couldn't be bothered.  Since Obama, not only has he lied every day, it would be hard to find one truth rolling over those blue lips.  I am like all of you worried, depressed, mad, and thinking sinful thoughts about him.

I don't have tell you that Obama said over a year ago that he would veto any attempt to stop this sequester.  Nor do I have to tell you that not one penny has been taken from the current budget, and is in fact actually a limit on the growth of future budgets.  It doesn't matter.  Barack Obama is a terrorist, and terrorists can only be dealt with by the masses, one way or another. 


Juice said...

Dittos on those thought.
This detainee release was 100% thuggery.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The good side is that the Obamas have only detained about two dozen illegals to begin with. There are more waiting-to-be indicted congressioanl Democrats.

Anonymous said...

It is extremely apparent that not one single member of the House of Representatives in D.C. knows what, when, or who the word "impeachment" is or means or who to file articles on. Not even my Representative in the House, Jamie Herra-Beutler, who I support completely. It is high time that they, to use Speaker Boehner's own words, gt off their collective asses and get this done. Of course, we all know that, should the House impeach The Komrade Marxist Liar-in-Chief, Dirty Harry Reid's Senate will do as they have done with the Federal budget for the last four years. Nothing!


Anonymous said...

meant in the good way of course.


touring word:
stabirly 1941
speaks for itself

Anonymous said...

That's OK Scottie. Let them be SEEN to do nothing. There is value in that too.


Anonymous said...

Casca, I really think that the people are seeing Congress as a do-nothing (I mean NOTHING!) bunch. Even here in the People's Republic of the northwest, even some of the more prominent Democrats and nearly all of the Repubicans, what few there are here, are seeing this. With Congress' approval rating at 15% and getting smaller, it is hard to miss. Yet, why do the voters keep on electing complete anti-American fatheads like Pinocchio Pelosi, Dirty Harr Reid, Diane Feinstein, Teddy Kennedy (before he assumed room temperature a couple of years ago), and, of course, The Komrade Marxist Liar-in_Chief and his sock puppet, Blowhard Biden? Surely they would have gotten it figured out by now. But, then again, they are Dumocrats after all.


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