Sunday, May 19, 2013

Laff, I thought I'd Die

When Democrats are in charge                                               

Clap Clap Clap
Taxes on wealthy French top 100 pct of income
American Liberals Applaud, Laffer Curve About to be Unpantsed!
Res Ipsa Loquitor

President Francois Hollande's Socialist government imposed the tax surcharge last year, shortly after taking office, to offset the impact of a rebate scheme created by its conservative predecessor to cap an individual's overall taxation at 50 percent of income.

The curve suggests that, as taxes increase from low levels, tax revenue collected by the government also increases. It also shows that tax rates increasing after a certain point (T*) would cause people not to work as hard or not at all, thereby reducing tax revenue. Eventually, if tax rates reached 100% (the far right of the curve), then all people would choose not to work because everything they earned would go to the government. full

Art Laffer's diagram, scribbled on a napkin one day, is actually Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations condensed.  It drove, and still does

" George Will, the widely syndicated columnist and TV pontificator, became disgusted at the way Bush has been currying the favor of conservatives, who have always suspected Bush of having closet liberal tendencies. So Will wrote a column dripping with contempt for Bush. And he summed up his feelings when he described Bush as a ``lap dog.`` "- Mike Royko
(see Rational ahem Wiki) , Liberals insane—out of their effing minds— and that included George Herbert Walker Bush who coined the term Voo-Doo Economics to deride advocate Ronald Reagan during their battle for the 1980 nomination.  (Yes, George Will was correct to  portray Bush as having liberal tendencies.)

This is a great day for Liberals then,  Francois Hollande will now prove that Adam Smith, Art Laffer and non-Democrats everywhere are wrong wrong wrong.  Soon, Parisians, awash in Euros, will be living like Arab oil sheiks.  Right? 

Science-  "The genetic makeup responsible for  people becoming Liberal Democrats also renders them incapable of understanding economics, or national defense. "   - National Bureau of Facts


Jess said...

They'll eventually be dismantling the Eiffel Tower and selling it for scrap.

Le Sanford and Son.

Anonymous said...

They keep eating the seed corn.

pdwalker said...

That's not a flaw, but an essential design of the system

GrinfilledCelt said...

"The genetic makeup responsible for people becoming Liberal Democrats also renders them incapable of understanding economics, or national defense."...or how to tie their shoes.

mostly cajun said...

They won't scrap out the Eiffel Tower.

Two possibilities:

1. It becomes a minaret for the Grand Mosque of Paris.

2. The German Army marches by it (again).


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