scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
A letter from Molasses
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- leelu said...
Why the bad p'shop of his jeans?
Or it there a rollover not working? -
6/5/13, 11:14 AM
- Juice said...
Total class act.
And no, I had no knowledge. -
6/5/13, 11:16 AM
Anonymous said...
His compassionate conservatism made me wanna blow chunks-his out of control spending set the stage for a real spender.
But there's not a doubt in my mind that W is a class act and a good man who loves this country. And loves our guys and gals in the military.
He's a real man regardless of what you think of his policies. I'd take him in second over any of these current DC assholes to watch my back.
MM -
6/5/13, 11:43 AM
Anonymous said...
I think the love between W and the military remains. They have great BS detectors and know that W is the real deal.
Obummer OTHO, is a snake that uses Marines to hold his umbrella.
The contrast is stark. -
6/5/13, 2:05 PM
Anonymous said...
The picture is real, but the pants are photoshopped grey instead of black. Not sure why.
6/5/13, 2:34 PM
iri said...
Yep, he's one nice, sweet, kindly old ratbastard. Y'all kinda forgetful ain't ya?
6/5/13, 4:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Can you say "photo op"?
Not much different from the 2003 Bu$h dress-up act (codpiece) on the USS Abraham Lincoln.
"Mission Accomplished".
How much US blood and treasure has gone down the toilet since then?
CF in CO
6/5/13, 4:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank God neither of the bozos above me will ever be in any position of authority, or have to make tough decisions. Bush does these Wounded warrior visits constantly, and the vast majority of them go unreported by the media. Bush is a good man, and neither of you are fit to hold his jockstrap.
As far as blood and treasure down the drain, CF, maybe you harbor some of the blame for that? You sound like the kind of brainless sloganeering douche bag hipster that votes for Obama.
Sorry about the mess Roger, feel free to clean it up if I went to far.
Josh -
6/5/13, 5:51 PM
- MAX Redline said...
Agreeing with Josh, above - except he didn't go far enough. Iri & CF are just upset that Airhead America went bankrupt.
6/5/13, 6:50 PM
iri said...
Funny stuff boys. Facts however trump willful ignorance. Read a book.
6/5/13, 7:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Which books are you suggesting, iri? "Schemes of my Father"?
f. -
6/5/13, 9:57 PM
- Chris in NC said...
or watch loose change, right iri?
6/5/13, 10:02 PM
- Kaptain Krude said...
Oh, all right, iri, I'll bite. Which book is it that you want us to read?
6/5/13, 10:04 PM
Anonymous said...
It's been a long time since we hanged anyone in the barnyard.
Casca -
6/6/13, 12:35 AM
Steve in Greensboro said...
From a policy perspective, Bush was not Reagan, but neither was he a retarded commie like Gore or Kerry. He damaged the U.S. via expansion of Medicare and Jeffersonian nation-building among the Musselmen (like house building with cooked pasta). But after 4 years of Ocommie, no sane libertarian or conservative would say we would have been better off with Gore or Kerry. Sad to say, but politics is about the lesser evil.
And Bush does seem like a good person like his father and no sane person of whatever political stripe would say that about Gore or Kerry. -
6/6/13, 7:09 AM
Anonymous said...
"read a book" ??
Who the fuck are you to preach your version of what went down to me? I'm well informed and W was the right man for what happened in 2001. You don't like that, tough shit. I suppose your ilk would have been happy with a gutless president like Gore or Kerry,
The spending OTOH, was horrific. Just as bad was the Congress we controlled, going along with it
"a rat bastard" Fuck off again.
Cry your BS some where else. And while you're at it, talk some shit like that to any Marine or Ranger and note the response.
MM -
6/6/13, 10:16 AM
iri said...
"RHINO's of the Purple Sage"?
Bushbots, Obamabots, Repubots, Demobots all the same bunch of tatertots as far as I'm concerned ladies.
6/6/13, 10:28 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
It appears that W is quite excited over this lovely young lady.
6/6/13, 11:35 AM
Helly said...
Some moonbats still can't accept that Kerry and Gore lost.
6/6/13, 11:45 AM
Cheesy said...
He wacomes offas a decent man, who impresses me as one you could have a beer and shoot the breeze with without a bunch of pretentious BS.
The current buffoon, OTOH, not so much.
Made mistakes as a president, but some of that was leftist propaganda and demo-distortion as well, the MSM machine being in full swing through his presidency.
Bottom line; put your faith in humans, you're going to be disappointed. -
6/6/13, 11:48 AM
- Kaptain Krude said...
I'll repeat myself, iri. What book should we be reading that will trump our willful ignorance?
6/7/13, 2:12 AM
- drew458 said...
Geex Rodge, you've really fired up the haters now.
God knows why you used the 'shopped version of that pic, nor why you named it what you did. Guess our senses of humor are different.
But the picture is NOT a photo-op. In April 2012 the Bush Presidential Center ran a 100K mountain bike event, and by all the pictures it appears that the President rode the whole thing.
The woman in the picture, Melissa Stockwell, lost her leg to an IED in 2004. She is the first female soldier to lose a limb in combat in our history.
No, I didn't agree with everything he did as President either. But he's still a decent guy and a class act. And that's something which will NEVER be said about that halfrican and his ho-bag beard, both of whom are inherently nasty little shit wipes.
6/7/13, 11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Rodge clarified. President Bush was simply overjoyed (in the suddenly snug pants manner) to be dancing with such a fine young lady. It was a reference to the comment he received. Most all of Rodgers readers know it isn't a photo op. Although it should be, because that's a good-looking lady.
Josh -
6/7/13, 1:44 PM