— you berks.
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, August 26, 2013
The Syrian Mess
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Steve in Greensboro said...
In any policy debate, you cannot go too far wrong by applying the Costanza-Opposite Rule to Obama’s position. Whatever Obama thinks we should do, we should do the opposite.
In the case of Assad, since Obama wants to overthrow him, we should support him. But how do we know this isn’t the one chance in a billion that Barky is right – the exception that proves the rule.
As in investing, we look for confirming indicators and in the case of Assad we have a confirming Costanza-Opposite indicator. John McCain thinks we should overthrow Assad too.
We should stay out. Let the 7th century barbarians kill each other. -
8/26/13, 12:21 PM
TimO said...
This country needs a Manhattan Project-style push to develop a permanent fuel solution (growing algae or bacteria in tanks that poop gasoline is working on a small scale and only needs to be ramped up.) Shouldn't take more than a decade or so.
Then let the Middle East go back to what it was before 1940; a vast wasteland of useless nomads with nothing and no money to push the rest of the world around.... -
8/26/13, 12:58 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
"We should stay out. Let the 7th century barbarians kill each other."
I agree!... I wish there was a way to help the innocents, but I don't believe that's possible. Assad is not our friend nor a friend of his people and neither is Al Qaeda and the rebel Muslim brotherhood.I believe that either side is capable of gassing civilians and attempting to blame the other.
When Egypt was embroiled in their "revolution" I said we would regret getting involved and I feel the same way about Syria. It is NOT in our interest whichever of the band of thugs and western hating bastards wins this slaughter...... Let them the hell at it!
8/26/13, 3:14 PM
bocopro said...
Since the oil-rich Arabs are filthy with dollars and we're broke, and since the oil-rich ones don't like the non-Arab ones very much anyway, I say let the oil-rich fucks handle the problem. Time someone else stood a few Globocop watches anyhow.
Besides, they truly ENJOY slaughtering each other, so let 'em. We can make a pile selling weapons to 'em, on both sides. Let's face it: the world is in absolutely no danger of running short on bipedal hairless primate assholes, so loss of a few million in and around the Eastern Med and Red Sea areas wouldn't put humanity in extinction jeopardy. Or Christianity, either, for that matter.
Make 'em happy. Let 'em fight it out for their 72 Virginians and their archaic, bloodthirsty moon god. -
8/26/13, 3:24 PM
Steve in Greensboro said...
"...a Manhattan Project-style push to develop a permanent fuel solution..."
Already done that, twice. The solutions are 1)fracking and 2)Canada tar-sands plus the Keystone Pipeline. Why aren't they being more widely developed? Progressives.
What would happen if your gasoline-excreting bacteria were gene-spliced into existence? The same thing that happened to fracking and the Keystone Pipeline. -
8/26/13, 3:38 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
Great globe above, and I just love the "happy little (Bob Ross) accident", that the oil rigs turned out looking like camels!
8/26/13, 3:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Indeed, Steve, all we have to do is kick the Democrats in the nuts and go get our own domestic oil. If the muzzie death cultists are content with slaughtering each other we should leave then to do so. It's common sense which is so rare these days it seems like a super power. "My Common Sense is tingling."
8/26/13, 4:09 PM
iri said...
St. Ann had it right. We need to invade their Homeland, kill their leaders and convert the remainder to Christianity. I'd add two things, we need to steal their oil and we should start in Washington DC.
8/26/13, 6:13 PM