Monday, September 30, 2013


The Real Meaning of the “Redskins” Debate
Should Congress care about the name of a professional sports team?
Of course not, but that means nothing to that lot.

A group of Native Americans is pursuing a suit to strip the name of federal trademark protection. A few publications have stopped using the term in stories about the team.

In May, 10 members of Congress wrote team owner Dan Snyder asking him to find a new name. Snyder, however, says that will "never" happen.

Plenty of commentators have ... blah-blah-blah

I stand by what I said on Sunday, August 07, 2005.  For all the good  it did not do. (Hint - Play song selection #1 on the jukebox while you're there.)


Thomas M. said...

I've been going to Redskins games since they had a coach named Nixon, and I've been a ticket holder for 15 years. I've heard criticisms of every owner, but the first one I've ever been unhappy with is the current owner.

That said, Daniel Snyder is doing heroes work in standing up to this onslaught. Long may he wave.

Skoonj said...

So they want to keep them from naming a team after a potato?

Anonymous said...

I grew up in a town in Oklahoma and we were the Redskins. We had a Kickapoo and a Sac and Fox reservation as a part of our town. IN the 90s they pulled this shit and the Indian towns folk came out and told them all how proud they were to be "Redskins" from our town. They didn't need communist from Chicago to tell them who they were. I guess they won too many tournaments titles and championships to be offended. -Anymouse

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Same old Tyranny of the (oh so righteous) Minority.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in north central Montana and played on our high school football team, The Wolves. We regularly played the Browning Indians. ( Browning is the location of the Blackfeet Nation Tribal offices.) But Browning has changed their name a few years ago to the Running Indians. And contrary to all the do-gooders whining, no one there gives a damn.

And, of course, Congress will do something about such an important issue and leave all the minor, unimportant things fall by the wayside. Things such as Obamacare, the economy, Iran's nukes, the war in Afghanistan, the UN meddling in U.S. affairs, and other stuff that no one cares about at all, at all.


Emil Nytraht said...

I recommend the "MAIN MANS" or "THE BRUHS".

Anonymous said...

JCatara,--- why don't they just slap a redskin potato on their helmets. That might shut everybody uponce and for all.

iri said...

I grew up in the good old days in a little KCMO burb just down the 2 lane blacktop from a bridge leading to another little town that had a sign right at the top that said. N+++er Don't Let the Sun Set On You. We didn't have any Indians either. True story in 1973.
Now the sign is gone and the whole dang town is full of Section 8 dwellings. There's a lesson there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

The very first History Channel magazine did an article about the "Sundowner Laws" like the one in your hometown. Oddly enough those laws originated in the North. Illinois and Indiana seemed to be the worst.

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