Monday, November 18, 2013

Oprah's Racism Revisited


I've been worrying about pondering this  Oprah post [ Noel Sheppard ] from yesterday

OPRAH: Many Americans disrespect Obama because he's African American...

Racists Have to Die for Racism to End...

Specifically,  the Racists Have to Die part.  Now that I've read it in context, it may not be quite what it appears to beon the surface.

GOMPERTZ: Are you saying problem solved?

WINFREY: As long as there are people who still, there’s a whole generation – I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the south - there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.

Liberals are famous for finding "code words" that evidence racism, and despite her couching this in "South Africa apartheid; 
"there are still generations of people (in the South), older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die,"
 is, I'd say, code.  The magic word  is generations.  "There are still generations of people ...." That clearly implies more than just the old whites, but their spawn for "generations."

And whether that was intentional, or not, doesn't matter in this climate. 
In Oprah's world, anyone who is not aboard the Obama race wagon is racist. The undereducated class in the black community have clearly been played by the Obama Administration, and are seething, and they are militant.  They are put into action by code words.

You'd think Obama was the first president to ever have challenges and confrontations. Was Gompertz on another planet when George W. Bush was regularly being attacked by his opponents?
With the race card nicely placed on the tee, Winfrey predictably hit it a long way:
WINFREY: Has it ever crossed my mind? It’s crossed my mind probably as many times as it’s crossed your mind. Probably it’s crossed my mind more times than it’s crossed your mind. Just the level of disrespect. When the Senator yelled out, “You’re a liar.” Remember that? Yeah, I think that there is a level of disrespect for the office that occurs, and that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African-American.
What Winfrey conveniently ignores is that she endorsed and campaigned for Obama BECAUSE he was an African-American. He wouldn't have gotten her support or been elected if he wasn't.
More importantly, if he was just some white guy from Chicago that nobody had ever heard of, he never would have beaten Hillary Clinton in 2008.

Confirmed.  Oprah is not undereducated, and she is not stupid.  She knows perfectly well what she's about. Her support for Obama in 2008 was pivotal to his election, and it continues into its darkest corners. She is as much a part of the Obama Deception as anyone. .


Anonymous said...

"...nicely placed on the tee, Winfrey predictably hit it a long way:"

Gotta figure she used a Big Bertha driver.


Anonymous said...

YOU FIRST, Orca. You damned bigot.

Anonymous said...

I thought that harpo was miffed that she was not on the 1600 PA Ave invite list for all the soirees.... And had it in for Moochelle.
Hmm ... What's up that she's blathering about this now?
The last ERA that was passed that I remember was back in 1964-5. That's almost fifty years ago. If there is still 'racism' in this country, it is because of people who think they are discriminated against. Who USE racism as a tool to help them get something for nothing. Thing is, they do not realize that there IS a cost to what they get, and it is the continual resentment of people who never owned anyone, don't call people the n word, could care less about melanin, but are called racist nonetheless.
I reject it completely. The last people born before 1864 have long since died. Their descendants are thrashing a dead equine, and the maggots are starting to stink.
No other group of people has been GIVEN so much, that I know of, yet they lag behind so many other immigrants who came here with nothing.
I guess I must be a closet bigot.

iri said...

Oafra is still pissed that some now nothing French shop keeper wouldn't put a $40K purse into her grimy man hands.

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