Monday, December 30, 2013

Obama Rewards Somalia

Obama Gives Somalia $1.5 Billion
 – Somalia Government Bans Christmas
Birds of a feather

The Somali Government has banned celebration of Christian festivities in the country.

I can't remember the name of this movie, I want to say it was a Michael Crichton book.  It opens in some African
village, with  missionaries tending the sick.  A startling discovery is made.  It seems something like West Nile Viris, or Black Plague is  killing the people like flies. There's a monkey involved .

Next scene.  CDC helicopters, maybe WHO too, descend on the village to take care of the afflicted.  Not  They seal the village off, after rounding up any who've wandered away, and napalm the village and its inhabitants to hell.  The ultimate quarantine. [Full]
A directive released on Tuesday by the Ministry of Justice and Religious Affairs stated that no Christian festivities could be held in Somalia.

The Director General of the ministry, Sheikh Mohamed Khayrow Aden, and the Director of the Religious Matters, Sheikh Ali Sheikh Mohamud alias Sheikh Ali Dhere, held a press conference in the capital Mogadishu, to make the announcement.

The ban came just hours before Christmas Day, when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, their spiritual saviour.

“We alert fellow Muslims in Somalia that some festivities to mark Christian Days will take place around the world in this week,” said Sheikh Ali Dhere during the press conference, adding: “It is prohibited to celebrate those days in this country.” [Gateway]

If there is a geographic region more deserving of being turned into a sheet of glass than Somalia,  I cannot at the moment think of it.  I mean, at least the Chinese have good food, and the Russians pretty women .. . 

1 comment:

molonlabe28 said...

I know a guy who was a Delta Force member in Mog in 1993.

That was when Clinton wouldn't let us go back in and scorch the earth following an incident in which we lost 2 Blackhawk helicopters and 18 or so soldiers.

He didn't talk about it and we didn't ask him about it, but he was a true American hero.

That money, that O is now giving to the people who killed our soldiers, should go to their own families and to the retirement plans of our surviving soldiers.

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