When Democrats are in charge
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, December 23, 2013
The Duck That Got Way
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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- Juice said...
Good article.
Never really considered that the show was to humiliate the "non-elite", but then I only discovered Duck Dynasty in the past six months. Guess I thought it was going to be another Honey Boo Boo or Moonshiners type show with people you feel for in their situated place in life. Instead, The Robertsons, etal, drew me in with respect for them from the start. They are clearly an intelligent,endearing,interesting, and entertaining family with great moral values that make them so refreshing in comparison to what -some- television viewers consider reality TV; those show I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole for all the garish, disrespectful, angry, swearing and tawdriness their lives display as if they are an insight to American families at large.
I suspect that although A&E pride themselves on "championing" the gay agenda, I don't see that particular demographic filling the money bags as the Robertson family are. So, just maybe, A&E "champions" that green more than the rainbow. -
12/23/13, 1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Indeed! The douches at A&E thought they were putting on a freak show that would attract a couple of million viewers.
Instead they got 14 million and found themselves on the wrong side of the glass.
j_c_ -
12/23/13, 1:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Looks like the Rose Bowl parade is gonna get real rosy this year.
oy vey ole' -
12/23/13, 2:05 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Another, better, parallel from the past --
" they succeeded as spectacularly as Norman Lear did in his attempt to use Archie Bunker as the laughingstock conservative in 'All in the Family.' Instead, America loved him, and hated Lear's intended hero, Meathead. " -
12/23/13, 3:15 PM
Anonymous said...
A&E suspended Phil Robinson in order to save their own politically correct asses and avoid a front door disaster, if they took no action.
Located in New York City, co-owned by Disney and Hearst companies they have plenty of employee's in their corporate headquarters that "float in their loafers".
To start, the last thing they were worried about was the followers of the show who made it popular. Of course they are going to pay dearly for that decision.
Geo -
12/23/13, 5:23 PM
- MAX Redline said...
Excellent post, Roger.
12/23/13, 5:50 PM
- Mike C said...
I admit that I am just naive enough to have never considered this angle on the show. I watched it and liked it as I can imagine / have seen members of my family do some of the goofy things they do on the show. So in that respect I am the diametric opposite of the demographic A&E was shooting for but hit anyway, and I suspect make up no small part of the 14 million viewers (et. al 'Archie Bunker' viewers).
Here's something to keep in mind for this last day of Christmas shopping and the year to come - Duck Dynasty is the A&E branded merchandise (which I assume the Robertson get some cut from also), Duck Commander is the Robertson brand that A&E (hopefully) does not get a cut from.
Oh and here's a fun thing to do. If you go to this map location you can see the the duck decoys they threw on the roof - and you can see the line of "visitors" waiting to take a tour of the "factory". -
12/24/13, 7:42 AM