scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, January 05, 2014
Getting touched in bad places
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Tom Mann said...
Getting a little bit of work done myself tomorrow. Nervous is normal. Still, you're in my prayers.
1/5/14, 7:50 PM
- toadold said...
I'm going in for an initial exam to remove a "hard" cataract Wed.the 8th. Naturally there is no bus stop near by and the weather is going to be nasty. I blame Al Gore.
1/5/14, 8:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Rodger, I've had that done, and FWIW, it's the least uncomfortable surgery I've ever had, and the payoff was damn near a miracle. Not only was my vision sharpened to that of my youth, my astigmatism was gone and to my surprise, colors were bright and pure. I had no idea how much I was seeing colors through a haze like a nicotine stain until after the lens implant.
My surgeon said that the variable focus lens had mixed success, and did not recommend it, so I chose distance vision. I figgered it was easier to deal with glasses when sitting still reading or even shooting, rather than dealing with glasses when out and about, sometimes in rainy or fog-the-glasses weather.
It's been five years and I have never regretted it. Best medical procedure I ever had.
Best of luck, Rodg.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/5/14, 8:19 PM
Esteve said...
Prayer it will be.
Call unto me and I will show thee great and mighty things that thou knowest not. Joshua 1:8
But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that commeth to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews ll:6
Soon you will be telling us it wasn't as bad as you feared. -
1/5/14, 8:25 PM
Anonymous said...
It is still the best medical system in the world and my eye doctors have all said that cataract surgery is safe, uncomplicated, and the happiness pill will assure you of a blissful few minutes and voila; it is finished - Best Wishes!
1/5/14, 8:38 PM
- george said...
I usually just pray for whorled peas but tonight I will pray for your comfort and a successful procedure.
Godspeed my king. -
1/5/14, 9:37 PM
- pdwalker said...
I've always thought you were particularly clear sighted.
Don't worry Uncle Rodger, you'll be back to whiskey, prozac and fast women in no time at all. -
1/5/14, 9:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Had cataract surgery with implants (you wanna see 'em?) a couple years ago myself, and it all went fine. They'll give you a sedative that you won't give a crap if you're clamped in or not. One eye at a time, three weeks apart, went from 20/480 to 20/15 and that ain't no bull.
Anybody anywhere close to Wichita needs a recommendation for an eye surgeon, I got a real good one.
Sir H the Comet -
1/5/14, 10:00 PM
Anonymous said...
My experience was similar to Tailgunner Dick's: nothing short of miraculous. I went from 20/200+ to almost 20/20, with most astigmatism gone. I can see individual leaves on a tree, not just a green blob!!!!
And the color clarity: it's similar to the difference between older, yellowish car headlights and the new, bright blue-white headlights.
You'll love it. And the surgery itself is a snap. -
1/5/14, 11:31 PM
Anonymous said...
One eyed monster surgery...you had me worried for a minute Rodger...
1/6/14, 8:15 AM
- Meryl said...
Sorry you posted this so late. I would ask the doc if you could get the dominant eye done in distant and the nondominant in near. Then you have both and don't need glasses for either.
1/6/14, 9:42 AM
Anonymous said...
I'll b thinkin 'bout ya!
[*somebody's* gotta clean those showers!] -
1/6/14, 10:25 AM
Anonymous said...
The fancy lens (Crystal Lens, I think) has had a myriad of problems for many people. I love my standard lens and look forward to having the other eye done in about a year.
Burgie -
1/6/14, 11:05 AM
Anonymous said...
You brought this on yourself. You've been told for the last fifty years, that it would make you go blind.
Casca -
1/6/14, 1:06 PM
- rickn8or said...
Posted late, so you know what I'm sayin' is true: When a whiny, five year-old crybaby candy-ass tells you it's no big deal, then it's NO BIG DEAL.
Deal with my doc was to give me 20/20 or better @ one meter in my dominant eye. Why? 'Cause that's where the front pistol sight is.
Bet you're all hot to get the other one done, right?
Unexpected bonus: it makes ALL the girls prettier!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. -
1/6/14, 2:01 PM
- Chris in NC said...
Hang in there Rodger! Praying here in North Carolina!
1/6/14, 6:33 PM