Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ban Assault Bows

culture; Democrat or Bubonic

Valentine's Day at Sandy Hook

"Ban Assault Bows!!!"
Kim dT

Kim's justifiably cynical use of metaphor here (I doctored the angel) caused me to reflect yet again on my 5th grade teacher at Saint Clement's.  She spoke of things to expect in the end times  Two I remember are: 
  1. Ireland will sink into the sea, and thus escape the coming horror as reward for remaining true to the faith, and
  2. Life would become a terrifying existence where people would be reduced to using bows and arrows to defend themselves from marauders.  Nobody would dare walk the streets.
This is he same nun who, while asking us to pray for the imprisoned (by Godless Communists) Cardinal József Mindszenty, cautioned us never to take our freedom for granted.  That just as the Germans under Hitler, and the Russians under Lenin and Stalin, had turned nations into a police state by offering false platitudes and promising a heaven on earth, we too could succumb should ever allow bad government to subjugate us.  Here's the part that really stuck with me.

As an exercise we wrote down a list of things that, if they ever happened, would be cause to turn on our government, not that God forbid, there was any hint of that happening.  Without such a list, or being grounded in the what freedom entails, she instructed,  it would be easy to incrementally accept that which would enslave us.

I am not making that up. I'm sure her tutelage is responsible for my life-long, utter hatred of Communism, and all that it stands for.


drew458 said...

do you still have the list? if so, how many have come to pass here, and yet the peasants are still not at the gates with pitchforks and torches.

Anonymous said...

Keyword: "Incrementally"
Where those incremental changes are justified by the next most evil, underhanded words "commonsense" and reasonable", followed by #3, investment.
Watch Chuck Schumer*spit*.
He always asks for four steps forward, and if he can't get that, accepts one step forward as bipartisanship, while the Stupid Party members congratulate themelves for saving the country in a bipartisan matter.
They fail to note Schumer*spit* NEVER goes even one step back. The ball always moves forward(leftward), the modus operandi of Progressivism.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner

CDR J said...

I too had a nun, Sr. M. Sebastian, who turned me into a lifelong anti-communist. She thought Joe McCarthy should be canonized. She recognized right away that Castro was a communist (this was in 1958-59, when Castro took over.)

I think she was the one who convinced me at the time that I would end up a martyr, dying in front of a communist firing squad.

These days,I've realized that being a martyr in front of a firing squad is the easy way. Instead, people make fun of you for being Christian, the government takes away your religious freedom, the media mocks you. Eventually, you may find it harder to get a job, or a mortgage, or a car loan. What someone called "slow martyrdom". This has happened in several communist countries.

iri said...

"and yet the peasants are still not at the gates"

That's 'cause the pheasants are playing for the other team. Oh, sorry I meant peasants.

Anonymous said...

Creeping Incrementalism.


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