Tuesday, February 11, 2014

More GOP Boners


Now some Republicans are looking at what might be done to undo as much as possible of the Democrats' national health care scheme without actually repealing it. If Obamacare's problems continue to mount -- and Republicans believe they will -- could the GOP create any political momentum behind proposals to limit the harm?

At last Wednesday's Senate Republican retreat at the Library of Congress, Sen. Ron Johnson presented an extensive PowerPoint proposal to "repair the damage" of Obamacare. Johnson had once hoped to repeal the law but conceded that now, after its implementation, "you don't just wave a wand and repeal it and it goes away." So he is collecting ideas for a bill he hopes would instead remove some of the most problematic parts of Obamacare. Johnson stressed that his proposal, in whatever final form it takes, will not be a systematic replacement but rather a set of individual fixes that could offer relief to some of the Americans most burdened by Obamacare.

Johnson outlined to his GOP colleagues a set of proposals that included doing away with all of Obamacare's mandates -- employer, individual, plus the requirement that all insurance policies contain specific government-dictated features. He also suggested what he calls "a true grandfather clause" -- a provision that would allow anyone to keep his or her health coverage. Yet another proposal would allow any state to opt out of Obamacare. Still another would end the "bailouts" of insurance companies.


: Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told Republicans at an event in Houston that Texas would “be a Democratic state within 10 years if you don't change,” according to reports of the event.


iri said...

Rand Paul is not the guy Conservatives think he is.

pdwalker said...

They take a mile, and the Stupid party fights back for an inch.

What a maroon.

Kauf Buch said...

What iri said! Paul is doing the old adolescent, "I *promise* I'll pull out!" seduction/switcheroo with his trying to equate the flood of illegal aliens with people who have tattoos and piercings.

Anonymous said...

They can repeal it, but they can't reverse all the private practices that have sold out to larger health care providers to stay alive and viable. This disaster has brought changes into the system that will take decades to unravel.

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