scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Harry Reid, you know. Liar.
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Esteve said...
And unless you read conservative media you probably have no idea how wickedly evil these Democrats (and some Republicans) really are.
3/29/14, 9:34 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
"conservative media" = "responsible media" Oui?
3/29/14, 9:41 AM
Esteve said...
Of course. I just read on "HotAir" that McCain wants to name the amnesty bill after his late good friend, Ted Kennedy. Why not just poke us in the eye with a stick?
3/29/14, 9:53 AM
Anonymous said...
The D's are going to run on 'fixing Obamacare... trust us, we'll fix it!'
They have had FOUR YEARS to do something, anything to stop this gargantuan fraud Ms Pelosi forced through.{using lies and paybacks}
They have done nothing in FOUR YEARS, so why trust them now.
I would not trust them to change a flat tire, nor my kids diaper.
They lie. All of them.
Harry had shielded Obungle from any changes to Obamacare, no LEGAL changes have been made, instead of allowing the slightest chance the R's can fix some of the mess, he's blocked it all.
If put back in office, they will not do anything ... they just got re-elected after not doing anything...
tomw -
3/29/14, 10:13 AM
- Skoonj said...
Reid has a stroke a few years ago. He needs a real check of his mental function.
3/29/14, 10:43 AM
- Jess said...
A less polite society would have abandoned him in the desert years ago...without an environmental impact statement.
3/29/14, 11:32 AM
- toadold said...
The Hummm, thing to me is not that Reid is a crooked lying sack of shit and has bee selling the power of his position for decades but the majority of Democrats know this and are perfectly OK with it, same as they are with Pelosi. Now with the rise of alternative media it is harder to keep this knowledge away from the Internet youth especially when it bites them in the pocket book.
My favorite quote:
"The Democrats, a criminal gang masquerading as a political party." -
3/29/14, 5:06 PM