When Liberals are in charge
What’s Causing theUpswing of Contagious Diseases in the United States?
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, June 05, 2014
What? Get Real.
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Anonymous said...
It's amazing how that fat, drunken, murdering, degenerate bastard stills haunts us till this very day.....even at room temperature.
Geo -
6/6/14, 2:50 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Turd Kennedy is number one on my list of most damaging people to the American Dream, ever. Number One.
6/6/14, 7:43 AM
Anonymous said...
National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers
Mass immigration to this country has a deleterious impact on our nation’s medical system and the well being of our citizens. This is reflected in a report entitled Illegal Aliens Threaten U.S. Medical System by Madeleine Pelner Cosman, MD, published in the spring, 2005 edition of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.
“The influx of illegal aliens has serious hidden medical consequences...many illegal aliens harbor fatal diseases that American medicine fought and vanquished long ago, such as drug-resistant tuberculosis, malaria, leprosy, plague, polio, dengue, and Chagas disease.”
Many illegals...have tuberculosis...(which is)...now is lethal for about 60 percent of those infected because of new Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.
In 2001 the Indiana School of Medicine studied an outbreak of MDR TB, and traced it to Mexican illegal aliens. The Queens, New York, health department attributed 81 percent of new TB cases...to...illegal aliens. Approximately, 66 percent of all TB cases coming to America originate in Mexico, the Philippines and Vietnam.
According to the report, other health threats from illegals include:
· Chagas disease, also called American trypanosomiasis or “kissing bug disease,” is...infects 18 million people annually in Latin America and causes 50,000 deaths. Chagas affects blood transfusions and transplanted organs. No cure exists.
· Leprosy is (now) endemic to northeastern states because illegal aliens...brought (it) from Mexico.
· Dengue fever is exceptionally rare in (North) America. Recently...there was a virulent outbreak of dengue fever in Webb County, Texas, which borders Mexico. Though dengue is usually not a fatal disease, dengue hemorrhagic fever routinely kills.
· Polio was eradicated from America, but now reappears in illegal immigrants, as do intestinal parasites, says the report.
· Malaria was obliterated, but now is re-emerging in Texas.
Also, in an article entitled, “Parasitic Infection Plagues States along Mexico Border” by Joyce Howard Price, as carried by the Washington Times, February 8, 2007, federal researchers say neurocysticercosis, a brain infection caused by a pork tapeworm, is a “growing public health problem in the U.S.,” especially in states bordering Mexico".
Neurocysticercosis is the most common parasitic disease of the central nervous system according to a study jointly conducted by the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and California public health officials, who reported that “...immigration (is) bringing the disorder to...this country."
“Neurocysticercosis is (a) primary cause of epilepsy. This brain worm is very serious,” Victor C. Tsang, chief of the immunochemistry laboratory in the Parasitic Disease Division of the CDC.
“...cysticercosis is an important cause of death in California,” Mr. Tsang and other authors wrote in the European medical journal Acta Neurologica Scandinavica.
A separate report in...Emerging Infectious Diseases found that nearly 60 percent...deaths from cysticercosis...involved California residents. “(who)...had emigrated from Mexico.” Carriers of this disease tend to be people...with poor hygiene.”
Legal immigrants and visitors must demonstrate that they are free of communicable diseases and drug addiction to qualify for lawful permanent residence.
Illegal aliens, however, cross our borders medically unexamined, carrying communicable diseases. This is not hypothetical. It is not just a possiblity. And it is not racist or jingoist or any other "ist" to bring it up: it is happening. It matters, and it should be of concern to the American public. Illegal alien nannies who care for children in private homes, as well as restaurant and other service workers who have never had physical examinations serve millions every day
CF in CO -
6/7/14, 4:56 AM