The Humanity
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Al+ H2O=HFS!
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Anonymous said...
I am convinced that Obama is a "birther" as well. He faked his own birth certificate, diddin he?
Sir H the Comet -
9/8/15, 12:01 PM
- Unknown said...
Hmmm…I don't think FDR "engineered" Pearl Harbor, but many folks believe he knew about it beforehand and did nothing. As to the WTC, if explosive charges had been placed -- as in the manner of the first bombing (in 1993) -- then why take the trouble to hijack 2 planes to fly into it? And what of the other 2 planes?
In general, I tend to go with what G. Gordon Liddy says about conspiracies: "Three people can keep a secret, if two of them are dead." -
9/8/15, 12:02 PM
Anonymous said...
I have, and still believe, the "explosions" were fire extinguishers and water pipes exploding due to internal pressure from the heat.
9/8/15, 2:35 PM
Anonymous said...
Go see "What Could Possibly Go Wrong" on the Science Channel Cuzin Rick
9/8/15, 3:29 PM
- Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...
Aluminum burns and it burns hot. The Navy found this out when they started building the upper works of ships out of the stuff.
The fire doesn't have to get hot enough to melt the steel. It just needs to get hot enough that the shear, tensile, and compression strength of the steel can no longer bear the load. This is why structural steel in building is encased in concrete as concrete acts as an insulator as well as providing additional strength. In the case of WTC towers 1 & 2, the trusses were covered in asbestos which likely got blown off during the impact. Once the pins securing the trusses to the column got hot enough, they failed causing the trusses to detach and collapse. -
9/9/15, 2:45 PM
- Wabano said...
What a crock of bullshit! Donald Trump himself said on the tube that the tower were actually built to survive that impact, actually only ten per cent of the structure was damaged. But the lawyer lobby mafia forced the owners to remove the asbestos cladding of the structure and without the asbestos, the steel just burned away like with a cutting torch...add oxygen to hot steel and it burn like saltpeter! Asbestos is just as harmless as beach sand...Asbestosis come from inhaling massive amounts of fibers, just like silicosis come from inhaling massive amounts of road dust. Initially, asbestos was seen as so harmless that workers' unions refused the wearing of breathing apparatuses. Working on carbon brakes, roofing and asphalt will give you cancer far faster.
Burning steel, or acetylene torch:(the "explosions" were floors actually slamming on the lower ones...collapsing the burning, weakened structure) -
9/9/15, 4:57 PM