Saturday, June 25, 2016

George Will Jumps the Shark

WASHINGTON – Conservative columnist George Will told PJM he has officially left the Republican Party and urged conservatives not to support presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump even if it leads to a Democratic victory in the 2016 presidential election.

“Sure, but I’m also concerned with the fact that I do not really believe Republicans think clearly enough about what they really want in judges. Republicans have given us Earl Warren, Brennan, John Paul Stevens, Burger, who was kind of mediocre, Blackmun. Having a Republican president is not an answer in itself,” he said. **
Will, who writes for the Washington Post, acknowledged it is a “little too late” for the Republican Party to find a replacement for Trump but had a message for Republican voters.

“Make sure he loses. Grit their teeth for four years and win the White House,” Will said during an interview after his speech at a Federalist Society luncheon.

Will said he changed his voter registration this month from Republican to “unaffiliated” in the state of Maryland.

“This is not my party,” Will said during his speech at the event.

He mentioned House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) endorsement of Trump as one of the factors that led him to leave the party.

Will, a Fox News contributor, said a “President Trump” with “no opposition” from a Republican-led Congress would be worse than a Hillary Clinton presidency with a Republican-led Congress. [Full Tripe]

Oh my, just after I congratulated Mr. Will for  A Progressive's Guide to Political Correctness; he changes his underpants again.  Let's start with his "Republicans have given us Earl Warren, Brennan, John Paul Stevens, Burger, who was kind of mediocre, Blackmun .."

But, they've also given us Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.  Name a single instance where a Democrat president has appointed a justice who was not a far-left ideologue. 

Here's a good comment I found on Free Republic.

Grit your teeth for four years and endure Hillary Clinton instead????

Grit your teeth and endure three or four new liberal young radical Supreme Court justices, who are just itching to impose liberalism on us at every turn??

Grit your teeth and endure dozens of new young radical judges appointed to the lower federal courts by Hillary??

Grit your teeth and endure more global warming hysteria, push for socialized medicine, LGBT wet dream policies???

Grit your teeth for four years?? IT COULD easily become eight years, assuming Hillary gets reelected. And 8 years of Hillary will only compound all that I’ve mentioned, plus others things she will do. But all of that is preferable to voting for the Republican candidate chosen by Republican voters.

 Got it George. You make perfect sense. (sarcasm)
What is it that Will sees Trump doing that terrifies him more than a President Hillary?  Srsly. Is it Trump's  pledge to  enforce our borders?  His pledge to evict illegals?  His pledge to treat the radical Islamo threat with appropriate action (like deporting threats and limiting immigration?)  WHAT George?

That aside, I am mindful of Mr Jefferson's instructions re: future generations:

Every constitution, then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of nineteen years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, and not of right. It may be said, that the succeeding generation exercising, in fact, the power of repeal, this leaves them as free as if the constitution or law had been expressly limited to nineteen years only.
I have to admit then, that now, in my dotage, I am mostly about schadenfreude. I hate Barack Obamunist's  rule. Hell, I hate Barry's very presence in our country.  I hate what Left Liberals have done  to my country. Since we are all more or less shackled to our own life experiences for understanding, I am thus bound to a continued affirmation of what the "American Dream" means, and what my duties as a citizen are to protect the principles behind it. They do happen to be consistent with what  Americans have felt for a few hundred years.  I'm then also pretty much bound by honor to, at least see merit in William C. Bradford's solution (or at least his reasoning). And screw George Will. (I did say  schadenfreude)


Anonymous said...

From Monty Python. 'What a silly bunt!'

Juice said...

“This is not my party,”....*
Funny how those words are supposed to carry some sort of Patrick Henry importance when Will utters them but not so much for the millions of voters registered to "his" party. Eff him and the motor boat he rode into town on. And btw, after that engine fell off (yes I noticed) and he has to - row it alone - hope he also finds out that the world is flat and he's off the edge.
*eff the talking heads.

Anonymous said...

Good riddence, to the presumptive asshole. I expect Krauthammer will be next, sine they are BFF's. They should've gotten as indignate when the party was nominating rino's.


Anonymous said...

Hope the door hits him in the ass on the way out..

gadfly said...

Its not about the Republicans or the Clintons and their known bent - its about Trump, the elitist, liberal, fascist bastard and what his 4th grade level rants will translate to once he gets the power. My vote is really meaningless, but neither Donald nor Hillary will not get my vote. Real conservatives will not elect Trump because he is a dangerous mental case and the sometimes-conservatives-turned-populists will be regret his election.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

gadfly, you miss the point (our point, anyway) which is it's too fkn late to allow establishment GOPs to play "it's our turn." We're talking revolution. Eight years ago I'd have been Cruz all the way, even though he'd have had have no better chance then than he did this time. Without Trump, Jeb Bush would top the 2016 ticket. Trump is probably the only man alive with the fire, and the resources and the right moment to go toe-to-toe with the GOPe. And win. A political bloodbath is way better than the civil war, or capitulation to the one worlders who are now screaming like stuck pigs. I mean all this in the good way.

Anonymous said...

This gives me a case if DGAS (don't hive a $hit).

Unknown said...

To Anonymous at 6:37 a.m.: "DGAS" is a luxury you won't be able to enjoy for much longer. You can ignore politics only until it comes knocking on your door at midnight (as it did, literally, for the Tutsis of Rwanda).

To gadfly: After all the advice we got to "hold your nose and vote for McCain" or "hold your nose and vote for Romney", why can't you just hold your nose and vote for Trump, if only to save our nation from a "progressive" Supreme Court and the rest of the way Hillary will continue (and ramp up) the Obama agenda?

When Hitler was elected, his opponents said, "We'll just wait and vote him out in the next election." But there was no "next election"!

Anonymous said...

@Juice, What engine? I saw a pompous twit lose his balance while trying to shove his head further up and fall overboard. Kinda like Fredo's last scene except no one put a gun to his head. --General Petty Officer Fifth Class Skyhawker Doug

Skoonj said...

So George Will went from Republican registration to no party affiliation. Fine. I did that about three years ago. The only negative, if that's what it is, is that I don't vote in the primary.

Oddly enough, I left the Republican Party because of the GOPe, candidates like McCain and Romney, and pundits like George Will. I'll vote for Trump even though I don't completely trust him. But whatever he does, it will be a lot better than having Attila The Hen for four or eight years.

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