Liberal Racism
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Pretend to go along to get along ...
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
It's not "racism" when all they're doing is learning HOW TO *SUBMIT*.
Good little DHIMMIS. -
8/31/16, 1:43 PM
Helly said...
Having lived in the hills of Vermont and now on a Florida resort island, my probability of encountering Africans is about 4 sigma. So what do I know?
But it seems like Dems hold their African supporters in very low regard. This memo may as well suggested keeping a bunch of ripe bananas on hand for BVM meetings. I would be insulted, but what do I know?
(Black Votes Matter) -
8/31/16, 2:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Helly, bananas would be an insult. Fried chicken, yep I say, fried chicken. That's the ticket to victory. ;>)
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
8/31/16, 4:55 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm guessing the disrespect for the black voting block may be due to their upcoming obsolescence. In the past there have been about 12 million blacks in America and an equal number of hispanics. We are about to be gifted an additional 50M little brown friends which will fix the elections for good. There is no south of the border NAACP and no hispanic Jesse Jackson. They quietly do as they are told. African Americans would do well to take a look at the American Indian community. No one courts their vote or support. They are kept out of the way and out of sight in their concentration camps, uh I mean reservations. The black community will soon be relegated to inner-city reservations (no-go zones) and left to be the problem of local authorities. Their usefulness will soon be done. The Marxist are about to scrape them off the bottom of their shoe. -Anymouse
9/1/16, 9:01 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I'm not so sure that Hispanics will ever come close to being as subservient to Dems as have the Black pop. In fact, I believe they offer some long term hope. They are hard working, industrious, and forward looking in my experience. I see a total lack of the bitterness that seems to now consume young Blacks. Sigh. They could'a been a contender.
9/1/16, 9:34 AM