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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
What's the gripe about Limbaugh???
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Esteve said...
I think that Levin is coming around to the practical reality many of us have embraced. God, deliver us from Hillary. He was not a Trump supporter during the primaries but has't ever been a never Trumper.
8/31/16, 4:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Esteve couldn't be any more WRONG.
Levin is a whiner, non plus ultra...
...albeit about both Hillary and Trump.
YET: given that this election is contentious, ANY p!§$ing on Trump
from "our" side is less than helpful
in these last 2 months. -
8/31/16, 6:35 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Just gave $35 to Trump
8/31/16, 6:45 PM
Anonymous said...
ML has a fine mind and education. He is, however, though awesome, perpetually outraged. I think and prefer the drollery of Limbaugh and Sexton as it seems more effective. Libs don't like to be mocked and I enjoy it.
Binky Nabob -
8/31/16, 8:15 PM
Tom Smith said...
If Trump does not win it will because of him own mismanagement of the campaign. The idiots he has hired and fired and the lack of local field offices and workers is a head scratcher. It is not Levin's job to get Don elected but to try and steer him towards a conservative bent.
8/31/16, 9:00 PM
Steve in Greensboro said...
Levin went #NeverTrump, so I went #NeverListenToLevin. I also went #NeverListenToBeck, #NeverReadGoldberg, etc., etc.
These jackasses and many others lost any credibility they might once have gained with me over many years. And they will never regain it. If they have such poor judgment on an issue like this, how could anyone ever trust their judgment on any other issue? -
8/31/16, 9:21 PM
- Unknown said...
Levin doesn't even approach Glenn Beck (a man I once respected) in bending over backwards to undermine Trump's mission, which is to defeat Hillary and halt the continued "fundamental transformation" of America, which will proceed as if on steroids under her "leadership".
8/31/16, 11:16 PM
Anonymous said...
What the hell is he talking about on Rush? Pretty much listen to the first hour religiously and Rush has don't nothing but try to patch Trump up and support the non-commie option. Can't speak for Levin as his squeaky little Hebrew voice is like fingernails on a chalk board. I don't know who it was that proclaimed him "the great one", but I'm guessing it was him. On Beck, I hope some day we get the story of how they got to him, but they sure as hell did. He's clearly an establishment guy now. He kissed the ring. -Anymouse
9/1/16, 8:15 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
"What the hell is he talking about on Rush?"
'zactly. I regularly visit FR, and I have never seen any griping about the Great One. He has been a stalwart Trump man fron the beginning. -
9/1/16, 9:27 AM
- Unknown said...
"…Squeaky little Hebrew voice…": Really?? Should he endeavor to sound more, say, Episcopalian? Would that be more to your liking?
9/1/16, 9:46 AM
Anonymous said...
Raja, if you actually believe that Levin "has been a stalwart Trump man from the beginning", you must be on glue (or in some other dimension, or a parallel universe). Nothing could be further from the truth. But at least Levin (as Esteve notes) is "coming around to the practical reality" of Trump's candidacy (and the need to unify behind it).
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku -
9/1/16, 10:27 AM
Anonymous said...
Sorry Stu, I suffer from Post Boca Resident Syndrone. But you are right, a good infusion of Southern Baptist would probably boost his ratings. -Anymouse
9/1/16, 10:27 AM
- Juice said...
Give me Liberty or give me death!! Hillary will be happy to assist all of us with that one, as would Odammit.
As for Mark Levin, the guy was a raging anti-Trump(er) so badly I had to stop listening to his show - ever. After Trump's foreign policy speech he calmed down a bit by complimenting the speech, but I've not listened since that time. It's just getting tough these days of 24/7 politics. -
9/1/16, 12:01 PM
- Unknown said...
Don't like 24/7 politics? You can ignore 'em, while we still have that luxury. But rest assured, even if you don't take an interest in politics, politics will take an interest in you. The best example is Rwanda, where "politics" came literally knocking on people's doors in the middle of the night…
If the average American gave to politics even a smidgeon of the attention given to sports and the fodder of supermarket tabloids, we wouldn't be in this pickle. -
9/1/16, 12:13 PM
- Juice said...
Stu, why so freaking preachy? Taking a break from 24/7 political "news" coverage is not synonymous with apathy. -
9/1/16, 1:02 PM
- Skoonj said...
Steve: "Levin went #NeverTrump." No, Levin has NEVER been #NeverTrump. In fact, he's been trying to point out to Trump and his supporters what they need to change to become Constitution supporters. He's providing a real service. The #NeverTrump types are beyond reaching.
Binky Nabon: "He is, however, though awesome, perpetually outraged." Yes, he is, and that's one of his most endearing qualities. It saves me the trouble of doing it myself. -
9/1/16, 1:36 PM
- Skoonj said...
Binky Nabob, sorry for the spelling error.
9/1/16, 1:40 PM
- Unknown said...
'Sorry, Juice, but being "so freaking preachy" is one of my (tragic?) flaws. Live with it, or just ignore me (as many others do). In any event, it wasn't personal.
9/1/16, 2:18 PM
- Brian E. said...
@Anonymous : 9/1/16, 8:15 AM
If you think ML's voice is squeaky, and sounds outraged/excitable - try listening to him at 2x speed! I'm doing that now with his last 2yrs worth of pod-casts - listening as I drive to/from work. I listen to his 'rewind' episodes (a 3hr show w/news and interuptions cut out - taking it down to just under 2hrs),and at 2x speed - I can do one on each way of my hour long commute. Truth be told - 1.5x speed is a bit more comfortable to listen to.... ;-)
...well, except for the fact that things are turning out now almost exactly as he'd predicted. Frightening. :-O
;-) -
9/1/16, 6:57 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku ... erm .. read slowly;
"What the hell is he talking about on Rush?"
'zactly. I regularly visit FR, and I have never seen any griping about the Great One. He has been a stalwart Trump man from the beginning. -
9/2/16, 12:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Are we missing something? Because we've read it s-l-o-w-l-y, and we've also listened to Mark Levin, a lot.
Mark certainly seems to be on board with Trump now. But if you're claiming that Mark has been in Trump's corner from jump street, that's horseshit.
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku -
9/2/16, 8:46 PM