Thursday, August 24, 2017

Saint Ralph



Saint Ralph is the unlikely story of Ralph Walker, a ninth grader who outran everyone's expectations except his own in his bold quest of trying to win the 1954 Boston Marathon.

Note that I've posted this under "catharsis," instead of Cinema ala Carte.  Because it is cathartic.  If you liked Christmas Story ("You'll shoot your eye out"), you will love this too.  It is well worth  paying Amazon the $2.99 (or whatever) if you don't have Prime.


jlw said...

it's a decent movie. not great, but upbeat which is much needed these days.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

We thought it was quite funny, an accurate take on a boy's hormonal drive.

Alien said...

Watched it last night, very enjoyable movie. Thanks for the tip, Rodger.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

You're welcome

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