Owen Benjamin
I just tripped over
Owen Benjamin on You Tube. Surprising, because I
search out humorous video and had heretofore never heard of
him. Maybe because I don't do Comedy
Central anymore. And, whoa! His stand-up is proper funny. While he will invoke the
word at times, it's somehow, I don't know, contextual.
And, guess what? He is a
comedian with values. American values. His "Why I Hate the Left," is
not humorous, but is sincerely spoken and has deep depth. The guy is a jewel.
You have been led to water.
You're welcome |
"I've learned something you don't know a
woman until you marry her and then you watch her watch the show snapped
on the oxygen channel .... it's the whole genre you may not have seen
snap but you may have seen wives with knives or any of these other,
yeah, already these what other wonderful programs about real-life
women who ...." [HERE]
"I didn't care as much as I do now about
speaking out about how evil that is because I have a son who's a white
male and I get angry thinking about people telling him that he's
sponsible for slavery. This beautiful little child who just
dances in the kitchen and smiles so that's not a shared goal the left
and I make sure I say the left is to not lump in ... The type of
liberal I was raised with-- my dad-- may be completely wrong in
my view when it comes to government policy and regulation, but we share
values. The left ... is nihilistic, it's Marxist ...."

"There are
a lot of forces working against you,
but follow my advice and you will be OK. If it wasn't for my dad's
weiner and my mom's "ok," there would be no Owen Benjamin. Piano
brought me to stand up comedy. I've had two Comedy Central specials.
I'm tall but suck at basketball, I'm smart but can't spell, I'm nice
but kind of a dick.
I've been in some movies: House Bunny, Staten Island Summer w/ SNL
cast, Bucky Larson w/ Nick Swardson, Jack and Jill w/ Adam Sandler ...."