scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Ron in Ohio Asks:
Uhhh Rog, are there any links to the quoted article? I'd like to look into this further.
I ask because of item 2). Where the author said, "last month", while quoting a 2012 Senate Budget Committee report. - I'm wondering where all of the info. came from, if it is all from that 5 year old report and if it has been updated since.
I noted that in item 1) my state, Ohio, was one of the Super 10 welfare states on the list and that concerns me a lot more closer to home then does the obvious Lib-O scum in Californicate and New Yawk.
Please, don't get me wrong, I really tend to believe all that was said. I'd just like to have some facts to back-up anything that I might say to a Lib-O acquaintance (I have no Lib-O "friends") before the argument begins with the usual, "Oh yeah! What about Trump?....." -
12/13/17, 11:50 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
No . Google any statement and follow the trail?
12/13/17, 12:57 PM
drew458 said...
First hit from Google calls it false, says 2009 author updated his numbers to be about 25%, which is still low, but far better than 8%.
12/13/17, 2:21 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
good enough for govern... ....
12/13/17, 6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
From Ron in Ohio to drew 458:
POLITIFACT? That's like asking the N.Y. Slimes to explain the historical corruption in New Yawk politics and who is and was involved by actually naming the political party responsible. That's like asking the Washington Pest to list all of Trump's positive accomplishments in his first year. And, should I mention that POLITICALFACT is a Snopes clone?
I didn't even ask for any of that. Only to verify the info given in items 1) and 2). Not, to listen to another Snopes wanna'-be try to shed a dim light on a failed administration that, by using POLITICALFACT'S own figure, still puts Obama's administration at the bottom of the 20 presidential cabinets listed.
The item 3) info. that you refer to can be checked, verified or rebuked by a lot of historical checking of all of those president's cabinet members - By "official" and historical documents - That's a no-brainer. That's a "smoke screen" to cloud over and ignore items 1) and 2).
From Ron in Ohio to Rog:
First of all, as I have stated many times, I do not and will not use Google for obvious reasons. My secure searches are always thru DuckDuckGo.
I am merely trying to find an "official" verification to the information contained in items 1) & 2). Not, by some, "he said, she said" rumor mill with an agenda.
I try, as best I can, to research and validate a story before I send it along on the Internet. I'm not perfect. I sometimes send along something out of my, "that's what I thought!" zeal, without checking it out first. I'm only trying to avoid that happening with this story, as much as I can believe it.
Finally, as far as your "good enough for govern" answer, which I'm sure you used as sort of a, "Shit Happens!" statement to explain partisan dialog. I translate that to solidify my support for Trump's "Drain the swamp" pledge. When an inflated 8% figure is artificially inflated to a still lower than ever 25% figure, that is lower than all of the previous 18 administrations it shows the "participation trophy" atmosphere so prevalent in Washington politics. -
12/13/17, 9:18 PM