scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, January 02, 2018
This opens new bacon doors (it works!)
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Ummm, I can smell it.
1/2/18, 10:54 AM
bocopro said...
Surprisingly, Filipinos have known this for years'n'years, but they don't use it properly.
The Tagalog word for "bacon" is "tusino," or "tocino," pirated from the Spanish, who introduced it there 300 years ago.
My wife is Pinay, and like every other Pinay woman I've known, likes to cook some tusino from time to time. The Pi'pino version is much chunkier than the typical Murkan slices, and flavored differently.
She's always cooked it with water until the fat renders out and then lowers the fire so that the meat can crisp a little without becoming brittle.
NEVER ONCE saw her do that with sliced Murkan bacon, tho. Her trick to cookin that stuff is to get two identical big ol' iron skillets, lay the strips in one, then put the other skillet on top of 'em to keep 'em from curlin. -
1/2/18, 11:02 AM
drew458 said...
Plenty of cultures boil the bacon and then eat it, no frying. Not my way. I have done the boil first method. It's good for getting rid of excess salt flavor.
I used a bacon press - a heavy chunk of flat steel with a wooden handle - when I was a short order cook. You leave it in a corner of the hot grill all day, and when you have to make bacon you put it on top, and the bacon cooks up in half the time. Stays flat too.
I've done the oven bake method, the microwave and 10 paper towels method, and every other way too. The oddest method was this electric thing, like a big toaster but open at the top and bottom. The bacon hung from little clips at the top, surrounded by the heating coils, and all the fat dripped out the bottom. Made perfect bacon quickly, didn't stick to anything, but was a grease fire waiting to happen. -
1/2/18, 11:14 AM
- Skoonj said...
My wife is also from the Republic of the Philistines (Cebu). She worked at Payard French Patisserie and Bistro until it closed recently. She used a baking method. The bacon doesn't shrivel, and retains the flavor. The strips remain straight.
A lot of the rest of the English speaking world doesn't deal with what we call bacon. They call ours rashers. I've seen Adrian Richardson, Australian chef who had the Secret Meat Business show on A Wealth of Entertainment, cut hellacious big slices of bacon from a nice, big slab. Hope he brings his show back soon. His favorite expression: salt loves meat, and meat loves salt. -
1/2/18, 12:16 PM
- Chris in NC said...
bocopro.. Just married a Filipino. She hunted for the perfect pork fat shoulder for 20 minutes lol. I can attest to what you said. Although, I almost annulled it when I saw what Balut was...
1/2/18, 1:33 PM
- Lipperman said...
- This comment has been removed by the author.
1/2/18, 3:25 PM
- oy vey ole' said...
I can tell Roger got his new computer. Yay!
1/2/18, 4:36 PM
Merrily said...
Glad you're back!!
1/2/18, 6:25 PM
- MAX Redline said...
- it Halal?
1/2/18, 7:16 PM
- Skoonj said...
MAX Redline, it ain't even Kosher,
1/2/18, 11:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Traditionally, bacon was always cooked by boiling it first. This removed the threat of various parasites. Not so much an issue in modern farmed meats
1/3/18, 2:40 AM
- Murphy(AZ) said...
I feel so abused. I've been eating curly bacon all my life. Who knew just how wrong I was?
Oh, yeah... welcome back!
1/3/18, 6:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Posting that story and video about bacon is as Islamophobically insulting and offensive as leaving a ham sandwich on the steps of a mosque (for which a guy in the UK was jailed and subsequently murdered while in prison). You should have your head cut off for posting that.
(signed) A goat-fucking, shit-stained-nightshirt-wearing Soldier of Allah -
1/3/18, 12:40 PM
Anonymous said...
^^^^^ That's a true story:
1/3/18, 12:51 PM
Regnad Kcin said...
Par-boiled bacon ? Obscene ! Is there no shame ? Does that make it palatable to islamists ? Farmland applewood smoked, cider cured, laid out flat on a griddle at 250 degs. to prevent warpage. And, turned only once ! Lather up lightly toasted slices of Italian bread, fresh thick sliced Cherokee Purple 'maters with lots of s&p, and several pieces of red leaf lettuce. Minimum of 6-7 slices of Farmland layered for proper coverage. Maybe some thin slices of avocado, optional. Hell, put the whole damn thing on it because we die like men...........
1/4/18, 3:56 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I came in second fort the 2007 Guinness record for greatest baconier in the universe. Trust me, if you actually try this once you’ll agree that it’s the best. Case closed.
1/4/18, 7:49 AM
Anonymous said...
Chris in NC said...
bocopro.. Just married a Filipino. She hunted for the perfect pork fat shoulder for 20 minutes lol. I can attest to what you said. Although, I almost annulled it when I saw what Balut was...
Uh, Chris, we hope you meant you married a Filipina. Or are you one of those? (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku -
1/5/18, 12:01 PM
- SoylentGreen said...
I just tried this method. It's excellent. Guests loved it. Be warned: it took about twice as long to cook.
1/6/18, 12:46 PM