I’m getting there ... new hp box. Asked if I wanted to keep “edge” I said I want chrome ... they said “you idiot ... everyone agrees that edge is the best, I said chrome. They said sign in with my google pass word. I signed in with the goole pass I’ve used for 15 years and they said “invalid. Create new pw ... At this point I was ready to take an axe to the whole Mfkng thing so I did. That immediately changed Email on you tube, blah blah blah. When I tried to log in with the new pw it said not recognized ... but I’m just getting started here ... but not only do you get the jist, you have your own HP, google horror stories.
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, January 04, 2018
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
O/T - Any updates on your solar power experience?
1/4/18, 5:45 AM
- Murphy(AZ) said...
Is it just me, or should we start being paranoid about Edge? Recently I started getting messages to the effect that I would be banished to H*ll with all the other unbelievers if I didn't immediately switch to Edge.
I'm too old to accept change lightly, so please go away and leave me alone. Please!
And stop f*cking with my batteries, too! -
1/4/18, 6:49 AM
Anonymous said...
My IT buddies say Win10 PRO is much easier to deal with.
I'm a Linux user except for the few times work software requires window$. They supply a laptop for that and even the company IT people say we're moving to a more browser based system in the future.
I had to buy a Windows machine for my wife to use for work and it took me a day to get rid of all the cortana and manufacture's junk.
Good luck and happy new year -
1/4/18, 6:50 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I think a major problem is abvancing “experience (age) means I’m no longer williing to it as a challenge even if it meant staying up all night. Over the past month or two, I’ve almost given up on following the political scene. And know what? When I Leo look the story lines are exactly the same. Until Hillary Clinton is indicted, it will thus ever be. But, man have I logged some terrific movie watching. Wait,... clue to selfie. Without the ability to create graphics for each post I’m not that motivated.
1/4/18, 7:43 AM
- Jon said...
Lastpass is your friend.
1/4/18, 9:35 AM
- Eskyman said...
This is a big part of the reason I stuck with Win7 Ult. Didn't want the thrilling roller-coaster ride of having to relearn everything all over again, and also didn't want to be stuck with stuff I don't want to have on my computer.
On passwords I use Roboform, have for many many years now. It remembers all my passwords for me; that is probably the most valuable program I have on my computer, and it also works on my Android phone, my Kindle and my Android tablet.
My particular bug-a-boo is Microsloth itself, which doesn't accept that I might want to have different passwords for different things. Lately I tried to login to MS OneDrive; even though Roboform has my password, which was valid, somehow it changed because I had logged into Skype. Then I changed the password for OneDrive, and find I can't use Skype; round & round I go. I loathe MS, and will never, ever put my stuff on the Cloud where they can mess with it to their little black heart's content!
I wish you luck in getting the new HP sorted out. It takes a while! -
1/4/18, 12:15 PM
- JLW III said...
Be sure to go to "classicshell.net", download it, and install it.
You're welcome.
While you're up also be sure to turn off all the stuff in privacy. Just reading the descriptions of what they want to do makes me cringe.
Roger, I offered you a W7 HP machine without any of the HP software. -
1/4/18, 1:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Welcome to WIN10. As JLWIII said, drill down and turn off all that WIN10 crap that let's them profile you for "customized" ads and worse - note this chilling statement way down in the privacy/license statement:
"We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services."
I refuse to use the Edge browser just for this alone.
Cortana is a built in spy. Kill it. Go to Settings and peruse all the options there, say "no" or "off" for most of them. I'm still working on my wife's new WIN10 computer since the day after Christmas. The bloatware and spyware is everywhere, with a big Microsoft smile on. I think this is my last MS operating system. I'll have to learn Linux or go to the Dark Side.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/4/18, 2:24 PM
Anonymous said...
After going to Windows 10 I gave Edge a try. At first it seemed great but slowly it became, well, slower. Wait times were ridiculous. I got on the Microsoft website and asked the users how to fix, and some had suggestions but *NO* solutions. Microsoft itself has done NADA to fix this problem and so I still use Chrome which isn't bad.
Microsoft keeps pushing Edge, knowing full well that it's a turd. -
1/4/18, 4:24 PM
- Donald said...
Something is not right with your scenario. Some more specifics could be helpful. Did you just change your password or did you end up creating a new gmail account? You mention that the Youtube email changed and that just does not make sense if you didn't change your email address. I'm not the biggest fan of Win 10 but I don't think what you describe has anything to do with it. I've just did an upgrade and had no similar problems and haven't ever heard of anything like you describe happening. You positive you don't have multiple gmail accounts? See here
https://www.cleverfiles.com/howto/google-account-recovery.html -
1/4/18, 4:29 PM
- Skoonj said...
I use Chrome, and like it. I HAVE Edge, but most of the time it's used, I didn't do it. Like when I have these e-mails that have a return function that I didn't make in Outlook, the thing goes to Edge, and looks for a mail way out that I don't have. So I have to try to use the e-mail address and manually insert it in a piece of mail. Mostly useless.
1/4/18, 6:08 PM
Anonymous said...
A couple of years ago, I got a remarkable "after Christmas" deal on an HP computer for my wife. I recall it had some version of Windows 8 on it. Anyway, I set it up for her and gave it to her to use. About an hour, two max, later, she started screaming that I needed to erase that thing and put a real operating system on it. She knows nothing about computers or operating systems. What she does know is she wants to perform certain tasks with the computer, and this one was not letting her do what she wanted.
So I erased it (including the windows recovery partition) and installed Ubuntu. She has literally never looked back to Windows.
Everything just works.
-Another Bob -
1/4/18, 10:34 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I wish all the Grover like that from the ocean and I was away all our Joe then the motion
I just did this using the speakerphone and it work -
1/5/18, 12:06 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Sort of.
1/5/18, 12:07 AM
- Murphy(AZ) said...
Forget for a moment (if you can) that "Edge is a turd," that Chrome was forced on us with the latest chip/systems upgrades, that every hardware "improvement" was accompanied by a software "upgrade" that most of us could have gone blithely through our hum-drum lives without.
The news the past couple of days is that it doesn't matter what hardware you have, which system you use, however many upgrades you've suffered through over the years, whether you use a desktop, laptop, rooftop, tablet, notepad, scratch pad, butt pad, or spray paint on an alley wall. We're all SCREWED, because EVERY chip EVER made for EVERY thing was designed WRONG, tested WRONG, built WRONG, installed WRONG, programed WRONG, and used WRONG. The wonderful people responsible for this TREASURE might eventually have a fix for the problem, BUT PROBABLY NOT, NEVER, EVER, NO CHANCE BABY!
And folks 2wonder why I drink! -
1/5/18, 7:41 AM
Anonymous said...
@ Murphy(AZ): You wrote "We're all SCREWED, because EVERY chip..."
What you meant to say is "...EVERY [f*cking] Intel chip...".
As far as those of us in the rest of the universe know, our AMD CPU's are unaffected.
--General Petty Officer Fifth Class Skyhawker Doug -
1/5/18, 8:11 AM
- MAX Redline said...
Actually, AMD and ARM processors are affected. There have as yet been no known exploits involving any of the processors, but that doesn't mean they're "unaffected".
1/5/18, 4:42 PM
Anonymous said...
I have Windows 10 but found Edge to be so non-intuitive that I switched to Internet Explorer 11 (It comes with Windows 10). I had to create a Microsoft email address but never use it, I'm still using Yahoo.
Gary in Texas -
1/5/18, 6:01 PM
- Juice said...
What Eskyman and Tailgunner said!
Arriving so late to the party all that's left are empty bottles, but, I have a continuing ugly story to share about my 2017 LP's deaths. So here goes. We have 7 HP laptops in this house and 2 of them are operational. In early 2017 another of my HP's fried and being sick of that bought a Dell. I hated it but at 3 mos of use our youngest Dane tipped over a small table with coffee and killed the Dell. Ordered another HP Envy touch screen that fried its multi terabyte HD in 9 mos. Found it was a Toshiba HD. F**k me! I'm moving to Mac. BS I'm too frick'n old to learn a new OS. Bought a Surface Pro 4 that arrived Thurs. but the keyboard not until next week if lucky. Another - start over on everything ever bookmarked - again - with Windows 10.
And YES MS is the most invasive piece of shit I have ever had the distaste to be stuck with. Password connection for all your personals is none of their fking business - unless you want to use their OS. No wonder I swear like a drunken sailor. God Bless and good luck to you. -
1/7/18, 5:17 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
You especially speak for me ... and maybe the world.
1/7/18, 9:22 PM
- Juice said...
You still got this Rodge. Cocktails. I believe many Manhattans are on order in your direction for 2018. later gator
1/7/18, 10:13 PM
- oy vey ole' said...
You can pull up pdf's in Edge. No more adobe reader. Yay!!
1/7/18, 10:55 PM
- oy vey ole' said...
BTW, YES Windows 1079 update will install. Just be patient...
1/7/18, 10:58 PM