.Last week, Cuomo penned an op-ed in The New York Times that hit back against criticisms linking those who find New York’s Right to Murder law, along with the evil spoken of in Virginia, to President Donald Trump in an attempt to provide political cover and distraction. Such classic Saul Alinsky-style politics on display, using ridicule and tying opponents to a target that’s been effectively polarized, should serve to remind folks that Cuomo is speaking politically, not out of concern to defend his Christian faith.
Cuomo asserts that his critics, including Cardinal Timothy Dolan and the Catholic Church, are part of Trump’s allies and the Religious Right “spreading falsehoods to inflame” the debate. Um, no. When science demonstrates babies are viable outside the mother’s womb as early as 22 weeks and that the health of the mother is almost never at risk in the third trimester of gestation, the lies aren’t coming from the critics. Your argument is not only with God, but also science.(FULL)