Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Manipulating Left in action

Suddenly Convenient Truth

" ... she had shown herself to be a liar and an unethical lawyer."

 I find myself in one of the strangest political alliances since the Spanish Civil War, or that in Yugoslavia during WWII. You do not get any further loony-left than KOS, or  After Downing Street.org, both of which are now engaged in killing-off Hillary in favor of Barry Hussein. If we are to believe Dan Calabrese's (a conservative writer) first hand account of Hillary, circa 1974, and the Downing loons must,  then it's another begging of the question, "Where have you been the past 16 years?  See what you miss by only reading each other's bilge?"   Example ... 
In 1974, 27-year-old Hillary Rodham found herself at the center of a congressional firestorm over the question of whether Richard Nixon had a right to counsel as he faced impeachment proceedings.

In my column of Monday, March 31, 2008, I reported the account of Jerry Zeifman, who served at the time as general counsel and chief of staff to the House Judiciary Committee. Zeifman minced no words about Hillary’s behavior when she worked on the House Judiciary staff during the impeachment investigation.

After signing her termination papers, Zeifman refused Hillary a letter of recommendation. He told me in an interview that this was because she had shown herself to be a liar and an unethical lawyer.

During the past week, I have done further reporting and interviewed two others who were close to the proceedings at the time. The picture that emerges from all this is that of a very ambitious young lawyer who was eager to please her political patrons, and was willing to mislead and undermine established committee staff and senior committee members in order to do so.

To recap, Hillary was hired to work on the impeachment investigation by the Democratic Judiciary Committee staff. During the investigation

It's a lovely read, but none of Calabrese's information is new to the informed citizen --Liberals, don't make a move.  Calabrese writes,

 "Zeifman has been trying to tell his story for many years, and the mainstream media have ignored him. I thought it deserved an airing as a demonstration of how early in her career Hillary began engaging in self-serving, disingenuous conduct." 

What's new is that it's being bandied about now by the very leftists who gained most from Nixon's political assassination.  If my analogy holds, after this current internal war ends, the commies will continue killing each other, and that will be fun to watch, and leave the  Democrat party in disarray for years to come.


Anonymous said...

Lord is she ugly.

Ugly looking too

Anonymous said...

She was an ambitious, incompetent, lying, googled-eyed marxist cunt then, and nothing has changed in 30+ years..
Don't forget, the smartest woman in America also failed the DC Bar exam.
BTW,I hope someone leaks the 100+ redacted pages of the Barrett Report so she and BJ will be indicted for some of their crimes.
Lord forgive me, but I loathe those people.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Why does she appear flanked by Mike Caine and Bobby Duvall? Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

It's enough to make you hate politics....ain't it?!?!?!

titan saturnae said...

'Tis truely amusing to see the Leftists having to deal with her rottenness after all that time being welded to the Clinton bandwagon (now that the new object of their adoration has arrived and she is no longer welcome).

Anonymous said...

This committee owes the VRWC an apology, Senator... an apology! -- Tom Hagen

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