Monday, June 30, 2008


Weaponry that put them on par with any standing army of the day.

Apropos the point I was attempting to make with Oh Goody.  Just what I wanted. An opportunity to take umbrage with Antonin Scalia, this from Barking Moonbat.


....  Already armed, with privately owned cannon. Weapons of minor mass destruction. Weapons of a completely military nature. Weapons capable of, indeed designed specifically for, projecting explosive “destructive devices” with the specific intention of killing and wounding as many people as possible at one time.

Those are the kind of “arms” the Second Amendment is also talking about. Cannons similar to the privately owned ones that the British attempted to seize at Lexington and Concord. Artillery in the hands of the citizenry. Weaponry that put them on par with any standing army of the day.


Anonymous said... as to stop the corksuckers in DC and the statehouse from driving us to ruin.


Anonymous said...

Well, that's how I feel. I did my best to read all of the Heller decision, and I came away with that "half a loaf" feeling.

Reading Scalia turn himself inside out to pretend that Miller was a good decision was laughable. The whole NFA of 1934 was unconstitutional, as a lower court found I think. Miller was bad benchwork by the black robes. Heller wasn't as bad, but it was far from perfect. But Steven's dissent should give intellectual stand-up comedians (if there are any) fodder for years to come.

No regulation, no permits, no limits whatsoever. That's my idea of "shall not be infringed". Of course, the balance of freedom is responsibility, so if you fire off any of those bombs, cannons, flamethrowers etc and injure more people than those that are actually attacking you, then you're in a magnum dung heap of legal trouble. And that's how it should be, in my opinion.

Early on in the GOP primaries, Romney said something about liking guns but that the people shouldn't have guns of excessive power. I wanted to hurl all over his perfect hair for that one.

And McCain? He missed a huge chance to garner Conservative votes with his weiner reaction to Heller. Because you know what Fred would've said, and that's what so many of us wanted to hear from grampa Johnny.

Barking Moonbat Early Warning System

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Free beer and bullets for you Drew!

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