Thursday, June 02, 2011

Weiner Fall-Out

women prefer pictures from gay guys 

  If you think sending that special someone a photograph of your erect penis is a good idea, think again. WaPo's Monica Hesse asked a few average, ordinary American women -- such as a lawyer in Washington, a porn photographer in San Francisco, and a "women's sexual function" psychologist in Las Vegas -- what sorts of pictures they'd most like to get from a man. Their answers: a made bed with rose petals on it, folded laundry, a clean refrigerator, a hand holding a pan that was just used to cook dinner, and a shelf of books organized alphabetically and by genre. So according to the Washington Post, women prefer pictures from gay guys.

Weiners Pride

via Daily Caller


Anonymous said...

So....they actually do prefer pictures of Wiener's wiener? Who'd a-thunkit.

H the Comet

JMcD said...

Another reason that everbody calls him "Prick"?

JMcD said...

Weiner (pulls out)won't address convention in Milwaukee.

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