Wednesday, November 09, 2011


This will blow your mind...better sit down
I found this information beyond interesting - you may know about this already(??)  I try to be very selective about which emails to forward, so I do hope you will find this a worthwhile read.  Officer Sidney Tippett


I've been told it's gauche to link yourself, but I'm making a point here.

"Are We Running Out of Oil?" 

Thursday, April 27, 2006
For 80 years, oil reserves in the United States have been equal to a 10- to 14-year supply at current rates of development. If they had not been continually replenished, we would have run out of oil by 1930.

Massive Oil Deposit Could Increase US reserves by 10x
Friday, March 21, 2008
Sierra Club: "Where? We'll put a stop to that talk."

They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders than all the other proven reserves on earth..  Here are the official estimates:
  • 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia-
  •  18-times as much oil as Iraq 
  • 21-times as much oil as Kuwait
  • 22-times as much oil as Iran
  • 500-times as much oil as Yemen
- and it's all right here in the Western United States .
 So yeah, I know about it.  And I'm pissed that six years after I knew,  it's news to so many people.  Don't get me wrong. though. I'm  delighted that Sid's link (This will blow your mind...) is making the rounds.  But had this message  gained purchase six years ago, would we be in this fix? No, we would not. We have to, as a nation, learn how to find truth using our own wit. 

Who's to blame?  The Democrat Party and their supporting media — who wouldn't tell this story if a gun was put to their heads (oooh - I feel a stirring in my Gentleman's region).  The Big Greens , like the Sierra Club,  use bogus environmental threats to raise money, which in turn is spent to elect Democrats who then do their bidding.  We are the richest country on earth reduced to near third world status by our own ignorance.  That, and a refusal to hang-by-the-neck 12,874 of those ratbastards this very day.  Whoa.  Tea time.


Anonymous said...

No surprise to Slick Willy: check the amount of oil underneath the Escalante Steps and other areas he signed into "protected" areas. See also, Lady DiFienstine's "world heritage" reserves...

Agenda 21, baybee.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I think Escalante was payback to the Riady's who controlled the only other "clean coal" deposits (aside from unreachable Brazilian) in the world. Taking Escalate out was worth billions to the Riady's and their Chicom partners. If you remember, immediately after Escalante, Clinton tried to give the Chinese a lease on Long Beach to unload that coal.

El Jefe said...

Check out South Dakota's unemployment numbers and the number of rooms available in any hotel around the oil rigs. Both are at/near zero.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. However, I do have to think BP was set up...

Anonymous said...

My whole family worked in the Oklahoma oil patch in the 80's. They had mass fields of pumps going, that were eventually capped and buried. They even built Indian housing on some of them. Poor wagon-burners always get screwed. -Red Dirt Plowboy

Anonymous said...

You know the Clintons (from Chinese military) and the Obamas (from anyone who makes anything anywhere outside the US) have many, significant untraceable bank accounts.

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