Monday, August 20, 2012

Drone On

TECHNO THRILLS                      

Drone on

thoR~ sent me this link to a drone with a built in camera for the commercial market (Buy one here).

Comment under the video:  "The AR 2.0 cannot do what is demonstrated in this video, this was a fancy commercial. The battery lasts about 8 minutes and you cant pilot it using just the camera due to the delay. Plus any wind and you cannot control it with any sort of direction. Wifi range is short. That being said, it's still some high tech fun for $300"

So, this is a baby step.  Yes, I know that experienced RC enthusiasts have more options, but they can be quite expensive, and impossible to fly (ever buy one of those little battery powered helicopters?) unless you have already crashed about $10,000 worth while learning.

Anyway, when the technology gets to a point where our drones can compete with (destroy) domestic government drones, they will be made illegal to own. 


Anonymous said...

I have one. For $25 you can get a 1550 mAh compatible battery from China (the original is 1000 mAh). That gives you about 15 minutes which is a major subjective diff.

You cannot fly it by camera alone and the control distance is limited by wifi range - but it is a gas to fly around. Well thought out.

TimO said...

I've been flying R/C for 35 years. They can be incredibly cheap to build (I have one built with $5 of foam sheet and $40 in parts) and so easy they'll fly themselves. There are cheap (several hundred $) pilot-cam system that WILL let you fly in real time and if you spend more up to 5+ miles away.

Anonymous said...

TimO, I am interested in knowing about what you speak, details please. In all seriousness.

As the Barn Army Minister of Counter-Intelligence, inquiring minds want to know.


I-RIGHT-I said...

R/C aircraft will probably be outlawed soon. There are just too many ways the sheep can fuck things up with flying spy and weapons platforms so readily available.

OK, how big a plane do I need to mount the business end of a Remington 12 ga auto under the fuselage?

Anonymous said...

another question for TimO

Anonymous said...

The pilot better not use too much body English if that's where he's going to be piloting from.

Anonymous said...

I did a quick google:

Largest RC ... four engines ... 8.9m wingspan..
I think this is a B-29 model.
I know there is one for a B-17 also, but would need to actually search to find it. Flying crew is > 1, with multiple remotes.

When it is in the air, you don't know it is not the real deal.

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