In days of old, when knights were bold,
and rubbers weren't invented ...
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Tuesday's Special - Liver Transplant
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Jess said...
Yep. They're liars, beside being putrid buckets of puke shit.
1/31/13, 10:59 AM
Thomas M. said...
...they'd tie a sock...
1/31/13, 11:56 AM
Anonymous said...
Once upon a time in days of old all the counts, no accounts, and discounts were sitting around the Round Table slinging shit at random. Random ducked and the King got a faceful of shit. "Shit!" said the King, and all around the kingdom, 50,000 loyal subjects dropped their drawers and shit.
"Balls!" said the Queen, "If I had two I'd be King." "Land!" said the King, I need more land," and Random kicked him in the nuts and said "Now you have two more acres"...Rodger, I remember a guy reciting that at Town Hall (College Park) about 1962 - 63, must have run on for five minutes. Never heard or seen it since.
On your subject:
Just before he died, my Dad gave me some old papers, and in them were the bills from our doctor and hospital for my birth in 1943 - Hospital - $7.00,
Doc for delivering me - $5.00
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/31/13, 4:07 PM
Thomas M. said...
Balls said the queen, if I had two, I'd be king. She didn't have two, but she wanted to.
1/31/13, 5:35 PM
David said...
When I was 12 a tree branch I was standing on broke and I fell onto the sidewalk in front of my grandma's house - splitting the back of my head open. Grandpa was out with the car, so grandma with one hand holding a towel to my head grabbed the phone, told the lady that was already on the party line what happened and asked her to please call our family doctor for her. Ten minutes later while my Grandmother was on the phone with the doctor's office because they had called to tell her that the doctor was on his way, the doctor walked in the back door. He moved me out to the back porch where the light was better, then stitched my head up.
While he was there he took out the four stitches on the other side of my head, and the six in my arm from where I had fallen off the garage roof the week before.
When finished Grandma asked him "how much?" he smiled and replied "The five you paid me last week is fine, but I wouldn't turn down a batch of snickerdoodle cookies next time you are baking."
Grandma taught me how to make snickerdoodles the next day. -
1/31/13, 9:10 PM
I-RIGHT-I said...
"Putrid buckets of puke shit."
I'm stealing that.
1/31/13, 9:18 PM
Anonymous said...
My Grandfather was a doctor during the depression.
He got a goat once, as payment for a house call, because the people had no money. He turned around and gave the goat to his next house call, who happened to be a kid.
I heard that story from the kid, who was grown and about 80 years old at the time.
Even without Medicaid, people found a way. -
1/31/13, 11:16 PM