Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Depleted Uranium Shot Gun Shells

Tails of the Gun  

Depleted Uranium Shotgun Shells

Lucky Gunner's Drone Shells - A Product Courtesy of


Big Brother is watching, and with modern technology, if Big Brother can see it, he can turn it into a giant smoking crater with just the press of a button. Even your secret remote wilderness bunker is no match for today’s military drones. In partnership with Tacnition Ammo, Lucky Gunner is happy to introduce a new way for you to fight back against the All Seeing Eye with our new anti-drone shotgun loads.

Years of research and development have gone into these highly effective 12 gauge shells that can turn even Joe Biden’s double barrel shotgun into an instant anti-aircraft platform. Specially formulated propellant is capable of launching 9 pellets of depleted uranium rounds up to 1 km straight up into the air. With accurate shot placement, this armor piercing buckshot will disable vital systems on modern military drones. At minimum, the force of impact will disable navigation systems, but in over 60% of our field tests, the drones were incapable of remaining airborne after contact with our Anti-Drone Loads.

NOTE: Drone Loads are intended for entertainment use only and not intended to be used in any manner not in accordance with federal and local laws. Lucky Gunner assumes no responsibility for any illegal activity involving Tacnition Drone Ammo.

Get one free sample    HERE!

El Sid


Ole Phat Stu said...

Dat'z real Yoo-ray-numb !
Make yer own nukulah warhed by buyin TWO shellz , loadin 'em into seprat shotguns, line up de barrels so each shoots inter 't udder gun, and pull de triggers at de same time. Dat'z de tried an tested 'Little Boy' design ;-)

Donald Sensing said...

You know that the site posted this as an April Fool's joke, right?

Just do the math:

The box says it contains 1-3/8 oz of shot, or 1.375 oz. In a lead-shot shell, that works out to .21 cubic inch of lead (lead weighs one pound per 2.44 cubic inches).

However, depleted uranium weighs 1.68 times the weight of lead. If there is 1.375 oz of DU, then the volume is .12 cubic inch.

Suppose that .12 C.I. of volume is in 00 buckshot. The diameter of 00 buck is .33 inch. That makes each pellet's volume .02 CI. So there would be .12/.02 pellets, or 6.

Exactly how does one shoot DU pellets to an altitude of 50,000 feet to shoot down a drone - with a shotgun? Remember, 1.375 ounces of DU shot has no more inertia than an equal weight of lead shot.

It was a pretty good April Fools joke, though.

FishStyx said...

You're harshin' our "mellow"...!
Keep the facts out of it.
(...seems to work for the other team....)

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The link to "Get One Free" is the April Fool part

Anonymous said...

I see this like the stings the police would purportedly play from time to time, offering some kind of irrestible deal to the group they were seeking. Anyone who attempted to visit the website or tried to order can expect a visit from BO's Janetbooted thugs.

Anonymous said...

Oh, hell. I didn't mean to be that anonymous. -- General Petty Officer 5th Class, Skyhawker Doug

TimO said...

What you need is a couple of shotguns loaded with ACTIVE Plutonium or Uranium slugs. Fire them at the same time at each other and watch the mushroom cloud!!!

Helly said...

Settle down, Donald. Well over half of C&S readers can do arithmetic, and we would all buy DU shot if we could.

1⅜ loads — oh my aching shoulders.

Old Surfer said...

I like Rev. Sensing's math, but a kilometer is nore like 4000 feet rather than 50,000. We need to be talking to the high-power rocketry hobbyists rather than shotgunners, though 12 gauge is effective on the multirotor small jobs.

Wabano said...

Just fly an ultralight with a dangling large fish hook at the end of a long'll rip it's wing off no prollem!

I heard druggies downed these radar balloons off Key West a couple times this way...

Anonymous said...

I want my own drone. An armed one, so I can shoot theirs down. They are coming. Soon we'll have anti-drones. Then spotter drones, to find the drone operator. Then anti-spotter drones, or jammer drones. A drone arms race.

Frankly, I'm a little surprised that no one has tried to assassinate or murder anyone with a drone or model airplane yet. Seems like a no brainer to me, just run into the target at high speed. No fancy explosive or incendiary needed, although fixing a bayonet or some such to the drone might be useful. You could probably use one right off the shelf.

If I were a political leader, I would have experienced skeet shooters appropriately armed around me at public events. I would be surprised if the President doesn't.

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