Monday, May 27, 2013

Liberals and the destruction of a fine culture

When Liberals are in charge                                               


After its historic vote to grant membership to openly gay youth, leaders of Boy Scouts of America are anxious to “move forward” as a unified Scouting family, even as an unknown number of chartering organizations, councils, troops and members reassess their participation in the iconic institution.

The new membership policy — approved by 61 percent of nearly 1,300 voting members — says that “no youth will be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone.”

Boy Scouts will ‘move forward’ after vote on gays

Before the invention of writing, these stories and legends were handed down from generation to generation in the form of rituals and oral traditions. The reappearance of certain themes, time and again, in different mythologies, leads to the realization that these themes portray universal and eternal truths about mankind   ....

Campbell states that modern society lacks the stability it previously derived from being educated in the mythology and legends of the Greek and Roman classics. Campbell and Moyers agree that there is no effective mythology in modern society by which individuals can relate to their role in the world. The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell
Things may have changed, but when I was a Boy Scout I had to, at twelve years of age, move up to the Explorer Scouts. I didn't want to, so I quit.  The point being that wtff?  Eleven-twelve year-old kids?  We are just getting pubic hair; we have no idea about "sexual preference." We like to see naked girls (and that included all the kids I knew who as adults became hairdressers, ahem).

We are
however highly suggestible. 

When I read about syphilis at age 14, I was absolutely certain that I had it,  based on God only knows?  Toilet seat?  A steamy dream? I went to the movies with my family (Peyton Place) and was afraid  to put my hand in mom's popcorn box when offered for fear of contaminating the family. 

The Boy Scouts capitulated then because the Liberal media infrastructure have portrayed them as hateful, venal MOFOs, for not formlly accepting homosexuality; denied them use of public lands, andtook their property.  Another tradition and ritual then have been destroyed by the same pricks who have all but destroyed this nation's cohesive fabric; our national identity.  What we really need from the BSA is  more of this .


Jess said...

The Boy Scouts will finally sink into the depths of decadence when they have a "Circle Jerk" merit badge.

All I can write is "shit". This politically correct society is a cluster fuck of insane assholes.

toadold said...

The Boy Scouts will find that they will not gain any support by sucking up to PC crowd. The left has got what it wants from them and will support them in any meaningful way.In fact I predict they will go into a further financial decline. The left has got what it wants from them and a lot of parents won't let their kids join the organization and the goody-goody parents were never much in favor of it. When their boy comes back from camp with HIV and a drug habit they'll lose the goody-goody parent.

toadold said...

"Will not support them in any meaningful way."

CDR J said...

The next step will be to insist that the scouts accept gay adult leaders. Right now only the scouts themselves can be gay.

Next there will be the requirement that the Scout handbook be updated to discuss homosexuality as a normal, positive thing.

And on and on....

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Some of the original content was aside from the point so I deleted it. FYI

Anonymous said...


iri said...

I'm not sure I see the point in this at all. Bourbon starts in 10...9...8...Oh crap, I've got to go to the store. I'll be back, but not on this thread I promise.

Anonymous said...

Rodge, it wasn't really aside from the point. In context what you meant by it was clear. I don't know you, and probably haven't been within two thousand miles of you or your family, but I love all of ya all the same. I've been reading the blog long enough to already have known of the "excised" material. Made me love the family all the more.


In practice, I don't have any issue with gay kids being in scouts. The scouts is a great organization that instills values. And maybe gay scouts can grow up to be less like the minority of gays in their community who have become a walking, talking cliches, and more like upstanding and normal (and gay) men, of which there are some out there.

That said, I have to agree with you Rodge. All I knew at 11 and 12 was that I got a bit of a stirring when a girl walked close to me in a hallway. How do you self-identify as gay at 12?

At 12, someone is obviously pushing you in that direction.


Helly said...

This is a significant cultural event; good to discuss it.

At first this confused me. The BSA has long defended its right of free association, which as a proxy was good for us all. The key to understanding their expanded participation is they are fundamentally Protestant and eschew bigotry. Homophobia is vulgar enterprise, antithetical to Western Culture, Christianity, and Americanism. Presumably all physical manifestations of sexuality and atheism will continue to be banned.

Bigots are just filthy people, aka Democrats, and the Scouts want to brave, clean, reverent, etc. Happily the 1st Amendment provides the right to change our minds about our associations. So they did, and naturally bigots of all stripes are sad. So sad. All those tears in the rain. Whilst all the wonderful things about Scouting continue forward.

Today's lesson in Real History. Joeseph Campbell was a remarkable teacher. Moyers was a convicted drunk driver (in Vermont!) The Power of Myth was enormously helpful to me, but you need to understand its limits. Neither of them had a clue about Post-Modernism or Postwar mythology. Campbell understood Star Wars because he helped write it, but could never interpret 2001 or The Matrix or McLuhan or Dalí or even Vermeer.

As the mythology evolved to cope with a world he didn't understand, he childishly believed it vanished. But only from his view. He should have believed himself — humanity thrives on mythology. The World has never been healthier, wealthier, wiser, more peaceful, more populated, or more wonderful. But Campbell is dead. RIP

Anonymous said...

The line "the Boy Scouts will "Move Forward" sounds hauntingly familiar......doesn't a certain commie presidink use that phrase in his propaganda? I used to be a leader and always thought well of the Scouts until now. I will no longer support the National organization in the same vein I will not support the Red Cross. My money goes to the Salvation Army exclusively. I have made some difficult choices in my life but, any organization that defies Gods word and tramples on it will get none of my support - that is simple.


Cheesy said...

How is it going to be anything other than a fag organization now?
Kinda like the US military has become?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Good words Josh, and I think, Helly too (you make my brain hurt).

Helly said...

(you make my brain hurt)

You make me blush — such a flatterer. Head pain is nature's indicator light for learning.

Someday, when you are ready, I'll connect the dots for you between here and here. Then your brain will explode.

mperkins37 said...

This is going to go something like this: Progtards will encourage every over the top fruitloop to join so that they can push the morality slider. Soon they will have 1000 lawsuits because johnny blow me isnt being 100% LAUDED for his open Over the top Gayness, & His inability to have an assless chaps rodeo with your sons. I was waiting for the verdict, I answered the survey they sent to all the parents. I was VERY clear how I felt. We will not be participating further. They signed their own ticket to failure /bankruptcy, I win't be witness to the ever creeping queer Progressive agenda....

Anonymous said...

Helly says "So they did, and naturally bigots of all stripes are sad. So sad. All those tears in the rain. Whilst all the wonderful things about Scouting continue forward." I beg to differ. Things we as leaders are required to discuss in Scouting include "youth protection" - protection from sexual exploitation by strangers, family, other Scouts or by adult leaders. We have for many years maintained a "two-deep" leadership requirement and enforced a "buddy system" so Scouts were never alone with an adult. We expel members who haze or bully or use sexual terminology to harass or intimidate. I have to take this training annually, I have to give this training, I have to have these talks several times a year with my boys and their parents. I wish I did not have to but I do. How I yearn for someplace where sex and politics are not part of the core curriculum. We teach civics, not politics. We teach, nay, we DEMAND the boys show respect for others and we pledge daily the virtues of Scouting: Duty to God, Duty to Country, Duty to Self. Scouting does not reject atheists - but rejects AVOWALS of atheism - because atheism is inconsistent with the principal tenet of Scouting: Duty to God. Scouting has not rejected homosexual boys but has rejected AVOWALS of homosexuality for the same reason. And Scouting enforces PROTECTION of youth from AVOWALS of sexuality (homo- or hetero-) - because overt sexuality is inconsistent with an organization for children in whom the organization attempts to instill virtue - even as they grow into Venture Scouting (which is co-ed and made up of older youth and young adults). Now, we have no choice. Avowed homosexual boys (whatever the hell that means) will mature into avowed homosexual men who, because the nature of Scouting is to give back, will demand, and be in demand for, leadership positions. So that barrier will fall. BSA is doomed to what has happened to GSA. Political correctness and the 1% politics of sexual orientation and LGBTQ will co-opt the 99% agenda because that crap IS the agenda, and it will in time take the place of Bear Awareness, Survival Skills, Citizenship, Conservation etc. I do not deny avowed homosexual Scouts (whatever the hell that is) have the capacity for Service. But I for one do not want to have to care about their sexuality before I care about their development into leaders of character. It never used to matter. Now it will be what matters first. Let me connect the dots for you: Nothing about this new direction is better than what the BSA was doing before. If you think that makes me a sad bigot, then you need to have a long look in the mirror. You just played the "race card."

--Jimmy don\'t play that

caplight45 said...

Lib/Progs thrive on chaos: political, criminal, economic, social and moral. ONe of their great projects was the destruction of the African American family to form a permanent underclass beholden to them. What they learned there they are now doing to family structures throughout society. The BSA capitulation is more of the same. That's not bigotry, that years of observation. The BSA was a big win because it adds t the chaos and let's get real the goal posts have been moved and after a breather The BSA will be pressured to accept homosexual leaders to appease the enlightened ones.
The reason Helly makes your brain hurt is because he's adding to the chaos.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy, very well said. Caplight, you're hitting in the black, except that Helly is our resident lezzie, but that kind of works because she's hot enough that we'd like to convert her, so we tolerate her when she swerves into nonsense.


Helly said...

Jimmy: Nothing about this new direction is better than what the BSA was doing before.

Well, the BSA disagrees with you. Furthermore, it's not a new direction, but rather the rejection of a tradition that was always incompatible with Protestant morality. I agree that only perverts want to introduce sexuality into this or any other children's organization. However, fewer barriers to participation means more participation. That is something better, not the "nothing" you claim. Of course there are those who will be discouraged by the realization that the BSA is not an extension of the Catholic Church. They may pick up their marbles and go home, causing a temporary contraction. We'll see, but these reformations have always proven to be a healthy way to cull the herd.

Let's back up a little. Rodger takes a hard line on Lefties and political correctness, which I applaud. But as you can see, that attracts inane commentary from bigots who clearly were never involved in Scouting. So don't take my rant personally. I think your comment was overwrought, but founded in reason and sincerity. You make a good point that now some Boy Scouts will not be able to participate as adult leaders. What you don't realize is that many homosexuals lead asexual lives due to these kinds of social pressures. So until the BSA requires breeding credentials, there will always be homosexual adult leaders. As there has always been.

You mentioned the GSA, and that's interesting. The BSA is an important, perhaps critical institution in American life. By contrast the GSA is trivial, and will never be such a target of anti-Americanism. So comparisons are meaningless. I am confident the BSA will navigate this century as successfully as the last. Others lack faith.

Anonymous said...

Hi Helly,
"Well, the BSA disagrees with you." Er, unless you're being deliberately obtuse here, you must have missed my message. I AM the BSA. Just not its paid leadership. Scouters like me who volunteer our time and money to Scouting are far more numerous than the paid executives (professional Scouts) that make up who I believe you are referring to as the BSA. In my state, only 1/4 of the polled leadership was in favor of the change, and all our delegates voted against it. Your assertion that "the BSA disagrees with me" is disingenuous. The BSA is internally in disagreement, whether the 1400 delegates had voted one way or the other.

Further, you aver that "What you don't realize is that many homosexuals lead asexual lives due to these kinds of social pressures." Why would you think I do not realize that? Again, my whole point is that Scouts and especially Scouters lead asexual lives as part of Scouting. That is a choice we make when we volunteer. As I tried to make clear, Scout leaders are not to expose their sexual preferences, any more than the Scouts are. Excuse me, WERE. Sexuality has no place in Scouting, hetero-, homo- or otherwise. At least, that was the old policy, which I still assert was preferable than the new policy. Under which, this is no longer true.

"Of course there are those who will be discouraged by the realization that the BSA is not an extension of the Catholic Church. They may pick up their marbles and go home, causing a temporary contraction." I think this is evidence of just who is over-wrought in this discussion. We accept Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, Baha'i, Unitarians, Hindu, Orthodox, Unitarian and Zoroastrians, to name just a few religious organizations besides every imaginable flavor of Protestant that are officially recognized, with badges in Scouting. A Scout is REVERENT Let me reflect... are Baptists considered Protestant? Please search the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee unanimous resolution 2/19/13 condemning BSA leadership over this issue. Some faiths (LDS - the largest sponsor of the BSA in the US - in particular) tightly couple Scouting and Church leadership, where they admit "non-practicing 'chaste' gays" - whatever that means. Others, Catholics for example, sponsor and support Scouting and while they oppose the new policy based upon Catechismal Doctrine, the Church declares "First is the principle that those inclined toward homosexuality must be treated with dignity and respect, a belief based on the fundamental doctrine that every person is made in the image and likeness of God." Your anti-Catholic assertion appears ill-informed.

Finally, I'll avoid discussing Girl Scouts here as we will never come to any conclusions in this forum - suffice it to say that as a Girl Scout supporter and spouse of a GS leader and parent of a Girl Scout, on that I again disagree. Your original statement, "The BSA has long defended its right of free association, which as a proxy was good for us all," stands for what is really at stake here. The question, and one for which I thank you for making me think all the harder over, is this: Does the new policy compromise the right of free association of the rest of Scouts at the expense of the openly AVOWED (gay,atheist, etc) few?

(Rodger, thanks for the forum. I hope this has met with your standards. I'm not sure I'll ever feel the certainty that Helly does about this policy, one way or another. Maybe when my son makes Eagle, he will take an informed stand of his own. One way or the other.)

Jimmy don\'t play that

caplight45 said...

My apologies to Helly, I did not realize there was a lady in our midst. Helly, you said, "it's not a new direction, but rather the rejection of a tradition that was always incompatible with Protestant morality." Other than the Episcopal Church in America, the ELCA and some sectors of the PCUSA and of the United Methodist, to what Protestant morality do you refer? Only the Episcopal Church to this day has fully embraced homosexuality as in ordination and episcopacy of those active and practicing in a homosexual relationship.

Anonymous said...

It's a phony issue being used by those who wish to destroy the roots of the real American culture. Show me the boy who was refused membership?


Helly said...

Jimmy, I never intend to be disingenuous or obtuse. (Except with Rodger, just because.)

I know you are an essential part of the BSA, and that speaks very well for you. And I do know that the end of excluding Gay boys is causing riving the organization. However, the BSA has a system of representative governance which is agreed to by all. That system has come to a decision contrary to your wishes and you (and many others) don't like it.

I get it. My country elected Barry0 twice. I'm not renouncing my citizenship. We shall overcome.

My use of the Catholic Church as a metaphor was not clear. Catholics, like Muslims, are generally exclusionary in an unsavory un-divine way. For example, if a Catholic priest goes to a Presbyterian Church on Christmas Eve, he will be joyously served Communion. The priest would never, ever return the favor. That's just how it is, so they get to be my symbol of un-Christian Christianity. If you come to my church with a turban on your head or bone through you nose, you get the Welches juice and Wonderbread and an invitation to heaven no questions asked.

Are Baptists considered Protestant?

Nice try. Yes, there are over 220 Protestant denominations. However, Southern Baptists are not Baptists, which is why they refrain from themselves "Baptists." And that makes all the difference. Not so strangely, Bill Moyers is a Southern Baptist. I may be from Vermont, but I've been around the shire.

Helly said...

Caplight: to what Protestant morality do you refer?

The belief that God loves us and we are all invited into the Kingdom of Heaven.

The trouble with your reasoning is that nobody has suggested that the BSA extend ordination to homosexuals. Everything beyond asexual participation is imaginary.

Anonymous said...

Hi again, Helly
One last post to thank you for engaging with me in a civil and learned discussion. In this way my understanding grows. Such a rarity on the toobs these days!

--Jimmy don\'t play that

caplight45 said...

OK, Helly, now you're just making sh*t up. :)

iri said...

More bourbon in 10...9...8...

A toast to the experts in abnormal human psychology!

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