scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, February 05, 2018
For Starters
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Skoonj said...
Today President Trump used the term "TREASON" in public. I wonder if we have long to wait for the Night Of The Long Knives. These traitors must be rounded up. I don't care if they are sequestered at the Barack Hussein Obama Disciplinary Barracks at Guantanamo, or a new facility overlooking the digging operation at ANWR.
2/5/18, 9:07 PM
- MAX Redline said...
^Personally, I think a facility overlooking the dismantling of the plutonium facility at Hanford would be most suitable.
2/5/18, 11:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Add Holder, Valjar, Brennan, Samantha Power, Susan Rice to the list.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
2/6/18, 12:20 AM
Tom Smith said...
I think many will lose their jobs which they should have when Trump came in, but only the bottom rank will see a jail cell. I doubt more than half of the country will accept Hillary going to jail much like most of the Senate would not remove Bill from office.
I would love to see jail but would be OK with history correctly recording her for what she is.........Obama needs to be deported to his homeland. -
2/6/18, 5:40 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Obama needs to be deported to his homeland. ...
No ... a living Obama, with what he knows, with access to the Homeland swamp machine ... needs to be kept on a short leash as much as possible until cancer, or a fall down an elevator shaft solves the problem. IMHO. -
2/6/18, 8:28 AM
- Murphy(AZ) said...
I'm not ancient, mind you, but I've been around long enough to know that very little will come of these revelations. We might see some hirelings face the courts, and maybe some will see the inside of prison walls. But the people responsible for this treason, the one's who made the decisions and signed the checks will never know anything more than temporary humiliation and (if we're lucky) ostriacization. If we're blessed, maybe Hillary!tm will fade away to obscure silence. To expect more would be almost foolish.
Think back; we've seen it before. Both sides have rolled in the mud and each knows that their turn is just one scandal away from the headlines. -
2/6/18, 8:31 AM
- rickn8or said...
Murphy, I think you're right; just like that scene in Wiseguys; "Go to jail, take your lumps, keep your mouth shut and we'll take care of you." (Some would say that should be "... OR we'll take care of you.")
2/6/18, 10:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Desperate times call for desperate measures. We are infested, even worse than Tailgunner Joe ever imagined. What's needed is a "Night of the Long Knives" indeed; a Soviet-style purge. So what if "That's not who we are!"? WWMD? (What would Machiavelli do?)
Caballero Andante -
2/6/18, 11:13 AM
- Murphy(AZ) said...
^ Maybe that is who we are, or should be, anyway. Our sainted forefathers knew; that whole "Tree of Liberty... blood of tyrant," thing.
Yes, we are based on laws and justice and all, but I think they believed that "laws of Man" can only go so far. What recourse do we have when the courts fail the Citizenry? -
2/7/18, 8:49 AM