Monday, March 19, 2018

Deep Deep States


I have in the past been a Catholic with, erm, Pope Francis issues

Appears I had good instincts.  This is not just a Catholic church issue.

Fatima and the New World Order 
(Couldn't sleep after watching late Sat night)

An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy - Elizabeth Yore - Chicago 2017 - OLA IL
(Couldn't sleep after watching last night)

Reading between the lines
It is “no coincidence” that some Catholic groups “have asked President Trump to open a commission of inquiry to investigate whether the administration of Barack Obama exerted pressure on Benedict,” said Archbishop Luigi Negri in an interview Monday, citing other revelations by Wikileaks regarding efforts by the Democratic Party to sway the direction of the Catholic Church in the United States.


Skoonj said...

Feeling bad enough? No, not enough at all. Try this:

MAX Redline said...

Not a Catholic, but I've never liked this pope guy.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Skoonj ... I had that on my workup page but forgot to include it. Anyway, there's a limit to what I can stand to contemplate.

Skoonj said...

That's fine, Raja. One interesting aspect is that the Pope and his staff altered the words of a living former Pope to be opposite what they actually are. Remember how, early in the new Pope's tenure, we would see and hear obviously Marxist economic statements. When questioned, we were told they were staff mis-translations and not what the Pope actually meant. What this last case means is that the Pope and his staff are lying about many things. Yes, he's a Marxist, and he has brought in staff that are also Marxist. How long he lasts is the will of God. I hope the College of Cardinals is aware that it may elect a non-communist Pope.

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