scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, February 02, 2006
American Idol
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
That's too much TV Rog. All done with your home projects?
MM -
2/2/06, 9:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Actually, Rog, they DON'T play Musical Chairs anymore. Seems that the fact that each round somebody has to lose doesn't promise an equal outcome to everybody.
Lamont -
2/2/06, 10:26 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I think they do play musical chairs, but everyoone has one. :D Ain't this a great country?
2/2/06, 10:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Simon used to be so much mnore sublte about his hatred for the truly awful, now I think 5 years of this crap has taken it toll and just become downright mean (which I like a little better).
It used to be more formulaic:
1) Randy Jackson gave straight up advice about the audition.
2)Paula Abdul glowed over everybody and always had something positive to say
3) Simon drops the hammer even if they're good.
Now the first round has devolved into three famous people making fun of crappy singers and sending the occasional bright light to the next round.
You didn't miss much in the first 4 years for the first rounds...and if you happen to miss any more you still won't miss much. But it is fun to see cocky little shits get their ass handed to them.
PS: what's with the damn verification today? It's like 14 letters long. -
2/2/06, 10:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Oh, the heartache. Oh, the humanity.
OH, the FUN! I love the cruelty and LMAO. It's the only part of the season worth watching. Pure entertainment to see these total nutjobs get handed a dose of reality. 'Bout time, isn't it? Come on, it's way more fun than watching some kid land on the floor when he's not quick or rude enough to grab the last chair before the music stops. Evil Joyce -
2/2/06, 11:24 AM
Anonymous said...
Lord help me...but I do loves me some Idol.
I promised myself that I wouldn't get roped in again this year...even skipping the first week of shows.
Then came the Than Franthisco auditions...and I could not resist the temptation to watch.
Last nights Austin show was pretty hee-larious.
Simon: ...like when someone tries to stuff a bag full of potatoes?
And I totally agree with your assessment. Young people have been so coddled by their parents that they have absolutely no sense of the real world.
In today's society...everyone must be equal or face the wrath of the PC police. -
2/2/06, 3:10 PM