Saturday, May 27, 2006

Cinnamon, Omega 3, Diabetes, Blood pressure

Today's health tip
Gunboy here shares some of his own health concerns, and they struck home.  A few months ago my own doctor, acting on certain complaints, ordered blood tests for Diabetes, Type I or II. In the old days - by that I mean before the bride of satan turned our nation's health care upside down,  he would have drawn blood himself and called me with the results.  No more.  I had to take his chit to a blood checking place, which I did,  Alas, after waiting 10 minutes in a crowded waiting room I said heck with this, and left.  I lost the slip of paper, so I couldn't get it checked without going back.  Of course, today's physicians never follow up on orders, so mine has not missed getting the lab results.  But I digress.

It was pretty clear to me that I was at least pre-diabetic, so I took steps to control it holistically. In February I wrote about studies showing  that cinnamon may have a salubrious effect on cholesterol, and diabetes (here, here, and here for Diabetes).  I ordered some - it turned out to be just regular cinnamon in a gel cap, but the caps are convenient. At the same time I began taking on a regular basis Omega 3 (fish oil).

Despite not changing my diet at all, last week I noticed that my clothes were getting loose, so I weighed myself.  The results were so astounding that I had my daughter and Mother Superior check the scale for accuracy. It was.  I had lost 10% of my body weight in 2 months.  HFS!  When that happens, something really, really good is going on, or something really, really bad. I know, sick people lose weight too, but I feel better, not worse, so I'm thinking good.  Here's the oddest result.

About three years ago I was carrying two bags of cement at a time (about 160 pounds) to a job site, and my knees went South.  Since that time I have been unable to walk without pain, let alone run.  Going up stairs has been a chore.  This week I ran with my dog.  My legs have spring in them. I can run up the stairs.  Wait, there is one more thing I started doing again, which must be thrown into the calculus.  Taking soluble fiber every morning (the results are, uh ... spectacular).

Mother Superior began taking cinnamon for a raised blood pressure concern, but she has always had an adverse response to cinnamon (upset stomach) so she takes just one cap a day.  Dr. Gott, the physician who first wrote about this just reported that after 6 weeks of taking cinnamon for his cholesterol, nothing had changed, so it's not an automatic (Although I think a 6 month trial might have been more meaningful).

I pass this experience on for what it's worth.  If you want to take Omega 3, make sure it's molecularly distilled (removes mercury).  I've listed my source below, and HFS, they are selling 120 caps of Salmon Oil (the best) for $3.95 a bottle of 120.  We were paying $19.95. 


Anonymous said...

Amazing co-inky-dink! In January my blood test on evil slimes was off page (I take Lipitor due to genetic predisposition to hi-chlorestorol). I altered my life style only by starting 1000mg fish oil + 1200mg cinnamon bark capsules.

Three weeks ago blood test revealed ALL numbers at or near normal AND I lost 13 pounds without a clue why.....!

Works for me so I got no questions.....

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Hey, this post may make it into the AMA Journal! Yay for us.

Anonymous said...

I've got all that shit sitting on the shelf. I see it every day. I rarely take it. Can't tell you why not. Odd that.

About 2 years ago my blood numbers were 400 (bad chol) and 800 (tri). My sister called me a walking heart attack.

I have lots of info from Matt Furey on exercise and his programs are excellent. ( I can't tell you why I don't do the workouts every day. I know that when I do them, I feel better - mentally, emotionally, and physically. But I'll get home, change, then plop down in front of the PC for an hour. Then nuke some food and - eat it in front of the PC. Odd that.

But through his site I found a vitamin supplier - Dr. Dave. ( This guy sells some high quality stuff. Your comment about Fish Oil reminded me that I had wanted to tell you about his site and stuff, but I had been forgetting.

So there you go.

Anonymous said...

I was trying to lose weight a couple of months ago, and I was eating right, hitting the gym at least four times a week, but didn't shed one pound (goal was to go from 205+/- pounds to 190 or 195). After months of of this and no results, I decided to cut down on the amount of sugars I took in -- at the time I would routinely drink lots of gatorade and orange juice each day. Within three weeks I had lost 10 pounds. I hadn't changed anything else in my lifestyle, just stopped drinking sports drinks and juice. If you look at the labels on most drinks, one of the first (if not the first) ingedients is high fructose corn syrup.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Thank's Jon .. you amd I have the same problem ... we know, and we don't. Anyway, I checked Dr. Dave ..

''The current price is $59.95/bottle+shipping.''

Fricking thief!

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

:-( Not really appealing to the younger audience with this one are ya :-D Luckily, being 16, I have excuses on my short attention span. So, just like liberals in Social Security...I'll wait until problems arise.

*Eats meat lovers pizza and monster energy drinks*

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Oh yeah? Well ... well ... there!

B....... said...

Just orderred $50 of the stuff. Hope you get a click-through credit.

Anonymous said...

Does the cinnaminanom (I can't spell cinnamon) program work in either Schnapps or Snickerdoodle form? If so, I'm healthy as a frickin mule.

Anonymous said...

Rog! You are Brilliant! I read your post on cinnamon awhile back and had my Dad give it a try. His cholesterol was 270'sh last year. He just came back from the doctor with a test result of 206. Now he has more energy to tell me what to do...I'll have to think twice to tell him about the fish oil. ha...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

No kickbacks, just the satisfaction of knowing it helped some peeps. Takes time off purgatory.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm late on this one, but I was tied up in airports and/or planes yesterday. So...

In addition to your last post on this subject, the comments from your readers (SMART people)convinced me to check it out. I found our source of cinnamon net shopping at Puritan's Pride. I ordered the one that included chromium picolinate, after checking out what that was for - - My husband's family is famous for diabetes type II, high blood pressure and cholesterol. So, we've been on the stuff (fish oil,too) since reading your last post. Can't be too conclusive for him, cause he's taking caduet, but I'm taking a proactive course before it gets to me.

On a serious note Rodger, I've got osteo-arthritis in both pinkies and it's really painful. The doc says don't bother w/supplements cause the cartilage is already gone. Do you know of something??? I looked on the net and it seems there is NOT a prevention. How about a healthy assistance or at least pain reducer other than those stomach burning OTC anti-inflamatories. (Damn them for taking away Viox) Help Dr. Rodge. :D Juice

Anonymous said...

"Your comment about Fish Oil reminded me that I had wanted to tell you about his site and stuff, but I had been forgetting.

Odd that.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yes. Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate - with MSM.

Our history -

Six years ago, our 11 month old Wheaten Terrier came up totally lame
while we were on a walk. I had to carry her home! After numerous
vet visits produced no relief, but cost $2000, I asked for a hip
x-ray. She had hip dysplasia in both hips, one severe enough that
the vet was talking $$$$$$ -- whoops,I meant hip replacement.

I had already been investigating Glucosamine for my wife, who suffers
from Rheumatoid arthritis. I asked the vet about it, and he'd
never heard of it! Pltttt. I went to the supermarket and bought a bottle
for Reagan, and for the next 4 years she got 500 mg every day (with the
MSM). Her pet food has Glucosamine in it now, so I don't give her
pills anymore She runs, jumps, and has shown no sign of further
hip pain. Thus assured, I got some for my wife,.

Within few days, literally, her feet felt 100% better. But!
Turns out she's allergic to reaction the MSM, a sulfur drug that
is said to be the fast acting agent. She went to
Glucosamine w/o the MSM, and today she runs, jumps, and licks my face,
showing little of her previous discomfort I just read somewhere
that Glucosamine (which is nothing more than gelatin) does not
rebuild cartilage. Okay, but whatever it does, it does it damned

One more thing that has had an almost miraculous effect on her periodic flare ups (my knee pain too) - DMSO taken topically. Most MSM products sold in supermarkets are made from DMSO.

Finally, she noticed that after going several days without eating
red meat, her joint pain subsided. For years now she's been
almost exclusively a fish, poultry, and pork person. When she
does eat beef, she feels it within 24 hours, and this trait is not all
that uncommon. Hope all this helps.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the feedback. I'll read, search, and consider your link, and post back to you. Thanks for the layman's tip. Much appreciated, Juice

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