scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Presiedent Bloomberg? LMFAO.
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
One of my worries about Allen is that Republican biggies will go balls out to deny him the nomination. President Bush has displayed horrible judgement when it comes to supporting true conservatives against RINOs, and you can start with Pat Toomey v. Arlo Sphincter.
7/12/06, 8:56 AM
Anonymous said...
Good post Rog. I run hot and cold on Morris but lately, as in the last couple years, it's been pretty cold. He's come up with some pretty fanciful ideas. And his dislike of HRC is quite apparent when I've listened to him being interviewed. Bloomberg, he's got to be kidding.
The Republican presidential field is strong for '08. I still like Allen, I think he'd make a great president. WTH is up with Webb anyway, I never would have believed he'd run as a D? And I also like Rudy, tough guy for tough times.
And the D field? Laughable. Feingold?? Biden?? Dodd?? C'mon. What a hoot. I think it'll be HRC. She won't be a pushover but I think no way.
MM -
7/12/06, 9:28 AM
Anonymous said...
Daring-do in freeing his Electronic Data Systems employees being held hostage in Iran, without a casualty, while Jimmy Carter's own attempt got a lot of people killed, and freed nobody, gave Perot critical military cachet.
He blew away any political currancy this gave him when he annouced he was leaving the race because someone threatened to disrupt his daughter's wedding. -
7/12/06, 10:24 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I think Webb was always a democrat, albeit a Reagan Democrat. Plus, if you want to be the senator from Virginia now, you have to beat Allen, and ain't no way you take the nomination from him.
See if you can find Webb's Esquire Magazine article, ''Women Can't Fight,'' some place. It was a classic.
10:43 AM EDT -
7/12/06, 10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
I always find it humorous when liberals helpfully tell you what candidate they think will do the best against them.
"Oh please don't throw me in dat dere briar patch Brer Fox!" -
7/12/06, 12:01 PM
Anonymous said...
outstanding Mr. S...
i did a double take when i saw this Morris folly as well...
hope you don't mind me linking to you... -
7/12/06, 12:17 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Oh no, not the dreaded link to!
:) -
7/12/06, 1:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Morris is nuts on this but if Rudy got the nomination it would probably put Hillary in the whitehouse. The Republican base will just not show up for Rudy as President. He is to liberal on social issues.
7/13/06, 8:08 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
In the past I'd already be conceding Rudy as the nominee,because Republican Party muck-a-mucks are RINO at heart. But things are different today. But Allen has to establish a national presence in a hurry, or we'll be steamrolled. Are you really saying you'd stay home rather than vote Rudy against the Beast? Nuh-uh.
7/13/06, 9:33 AM