Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Presiedent Bloomberg? LMFAO.

Dick Morris is a Mooncalf
It would be presumptuous to say of a man, whose political savvy did the impossible and kept Bill Clinton in office, that he's a political mooncalf,  but WTF.  To wit.

New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg can win the presidency in 2008 if he runs as an independent, says political strategist Dick Morris.

Not now.  Not yesterday.  NOT FREAKING EVER will this liberal mayor of New York City be elected to the presidency.  So, why did he say this?

Morris is a crafty bastard, and quite unprincipled, so my first thought is Bloomberg laid gold on him for a trial balloon.  Nah.  More likely it's because Morris is nuts on the subject of  Hillary Clinton, whom he despises and fears.  Morris thinks the antidote to her candidacy is a RINO who can match her on liberal social issues.  A RINO with a billion dollars to spend, making it unnecessay to sell secret technology to the Chinese for campaign cash, is perfect. That's my conclusion for now.

'If Hillary Clinton gets the Democratic nomination and a staunch conservative like Virginia Sen. George Allen defeats John McCain or Rudy Giuliani for the GOP nod, 'the way will be wide open for a strong independent candidate' ... .''

Bob Dole?  Paging Bob Dole.

"Both parties seem hell-bent on nominating extremely vulnerable candidates who cater to their ideological peculiarities more than to the broad middle of the American electorate.

This is absurd on the face of it. What, pray tell, are the ''ideological peculiarities'' that democrats are supporting? Controlled by the hate lobby, beginning with Howard Dean, they have two issues as of today. Walk out of Iraq, NOW, and impeach Bush as a get-even. Who can say what will drive them two years hence, but I'm certain our security will be an issue with voters. Hillary is the only candidate left who is not a total zero on that issue, and the democrat base despises her for not condemning the Iraq war. She's unelectable anyway.

The fact is, there is no single democrat in the nation who can win the nomination, and a general election. N.O B.O.D.Y.

Sen, George Allen Jr., on the other hand, can win his party's nomination, and he would be elected if he did. It's only when Republicans start thinking like Morris, and betray their conservative base that they lose. Conservative Republicans - who remain true to core principles - always win. Plus, Allen is the most likeable candidate out there, truly Reaganesque on that count.

Morris appears to be trying to manufacture a Ross Perot scenario, with Bloomberg reprising the role of little idiot. Ross Perot cannot be duplicated. Consider.
  • Daring-do in freeing his Electronic Data Systems employees being held hostage in Iran, without a casualty, while Jimmy Carter's own attempt got a lot of people killed, and freed nobody, gave Perot critical military cachet.
  • Perot was a billionaire from Texas who sounded down home folksy.
  • Perot created a straw dog out ''the dafacit,'' and played it for all it was worth, despite its many fallacies.
  • Perot was a consummate populist.
With all that, he still didn't come close to being elected, but did cause George Bush's defeat - which we now know was the plan all along. Mike Bloomberg has nothing similar going for him. Everything about him smacks of New York liberalism. If he does run as an independent, he's Ralph Nader not Ross Perot. Sorry Donks. you lose again.

Mr Morris. STFU.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

One of my worries about Allen is that Republican biggies will go balls out to deny him the nomination. President Bush has displayed horrible judgement when it comes to supporting true conservatives against RINOs, and you can start with Pat Toomey v. Arlo Sphincter.

Anonymous said...

Good post Rog. I run hot and cold on Morris but lately, as in the last couple years, it's been pretty cold. He's come up with some pretty fanciful ideas. And his dislike of HRC is quite apparent when I've listened to him being interviewed. Bloomberg, he's got to be kidding.

The Republican presidential field is strong for '08. I still like Allen, I think he'd make a great president. WTH is up with Webb anyway, I never would have believed he'd run as a D? And I also like Rudy, tough guy for tough times.

And the D field? Laughable. Feingold?? Biden?? Dodd?? C'mon. What a hoot. I think it'll be HRC. She won't be a pushover but I think no way.

Anonymous said...

Daring-do in freeing his Electronic Data Systems employees being held hostage in Iran, without a casualty, while Jimmy Carter's own attempt got a lot of people killed, and freed nobody, gave Perot critical military cachet.

He blew away any political currancy this gave him when he annouced he was leaving the race because someone threatened to disrupt his daughter's wedding.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I think Webb was always a democrat, albeit a Reagan Democrat. Plus, if you want to be the senator from Virginia now, you have to beat Allen, and ain't no way you take the nomination from him.

See if you can find Webb's Esquire Magazine article, ''Women Can't Fight,'' some place. It was a classic.

10:43 AM EDT

Anonymous said...

I always find it humorous when liberals helpfully tell you what candidate they think will do the best against them.

"Oh please don't throw me in dat dere briar patch Brer Fox!"

Anonymous said...

outstanding Mr. S...

i did a double take when i saw this Morris folly as well...

hope you don't mind me linking to you...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Oh no, not the dreaded link to!

Anonymous said...

Morris is nuts on this but if Rudy got the nomination it would probably put Hillary in the whitehouse. The Republican base will just not show up for Rudy as President. He is to liberal on social issues.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

In the past I'd already be conceding Rudy as the nominee,because Republican Party muck-a-mucks are RINO at heart. But things are different today. But Allen has to establish a national presence in a hurry, or we'll be steamrolled. Are you really saying you'd stay home rather than vote Rudy against the Beast? Nuh-uh.

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