Friday, August 25, 2006

Nice comment

Heart warming rags to riches story

Francis Pirretto's comment to a post earns memorialization in the Curmudgeonly & Skeptical  pantheon.  Note the elements that earned him this honor.

  1. Begins by making me, Rodger Schlong, look good, without being smarmy.
  2. Comment is elucidative that he actually read the post.
  3. He augments with actual quote from a smart person, which tends to associate me with knowledge.
  4. He's dead right.
This is a remarkably important observation. It helps to illuminate what Thomas Sowell called "the vision of the anointed" and its effect upon the national political discourse. In short, the Democrats feel themselves to be so morally superior to those of other leanings that they feel the longstanding tradition of past presidents disinvolving themselves from politics cannot and does not apply to them. They're morally licensed -- indeed, they might well feel morally obligated -- to act as super-arbiters of all things, and the effect on the actual conduct of a successor administration be damned.



Anonymous said...

Good post by the muscle guy. I take a bit of a different look.

I think Carter and Clinton know they were failures. They were presented opportunities to do great things for our country and they made the wrong decisions, for what ever reason. Carter abandoned the Shah and didn't level Tehran and look at the mess we're in now with the Iranians. He could have set the tone. Actually he did. He "negotiated" with these """students""" for over a year. And he goes around trying to put the blame for the mess he started on Bush.

Clinton, same deal. First WTC bombing, planned by a known Islamofascist, all ties to terrorists ignored and treated as a law and order matter. Ditto, our embassy bombings and the Cole and he's sending cruise missiles into empty buildings and tents. Acts of war, all, and a pussy response. Lord he had UBL in his hands, all he had to do was pick him up and you have the likes of Reno , Albright telling him he didn't have the legal authrity. They know deep down they're pussies and they're trying to take any kind of focus off of them.

President Bush reacted the way these 2 asshats should have. And sad to say, Reagan's reaction to the Marine Barrack bombing was no great shake either. And now look at the Iranians blowing past one "deadline" after another. Soon they're are going to have that bomb, than what? Goodbye Tel Aviv? No way Israel is going to let that happen. You can lay that right at the feet of the worst president in my lifetime, Carter. And he knows it.

As for Gore and Kerry. they both are still entertaining thoughts of running again and are just keeping some of that old spotlight on them.

Revolting is too kind.

Anonymous said...

sure, but getting to the point fast is helpful as well...

BREVITY being the 'soul of the wit' and such...

simply, Democrat Liberals are insecure, in denial, ignorant, self absorbed, desperate...

Ninny is a term that correctly applies as well.

Everything they touch, rots...

Anonymous said...

Guess we don't all have your gift for...BREVITY. Nothing like ad hominem when reasoning escapes you, huh?

Hope I didn't get your eyes too tired HNAV(brief enough for ya?) reading FOUR paragraphs.

Anonymous said...

Your comment was not to long and was factual. Carter was the greatest failure in the history of this country and we are still dearly paying for it in treasure and blood.

Anonymous said...



i was responding to the outstanding Mr. RS's posting of Ms. Francis W. Porretto's fine commentary...

you sound as if i upset you?

i was only referencing the C&S endorsement of high brow expression, when i find the cheap-blunt American healthy as well...

you might be a tad too sensitive.

sorry, but political discussion is brutal, if anything i can provide for you in this exchange, would be to grow some intense thick skin.

also, Carter never abandoned the Shah as some suggest...

"President Carter stopped in Tehran in 1977 to reach a verbal understanding with the Shah on non-proliferation arrangements to accompany the sale of American nuclear power plants to Iran.

No one predicted that the Shah was in imminent danger of falling in spite of increasing unrest spreading across the county. In particular, massive demonstrations on September 4 and 5, 1978 prompted declaration of martial law two days later. When a crowd of 10,000-20,000 the following day met at Tehran’s Jaleh Square and refused to disperse, government troops opened fire, killing 122 and wounding 2,000 to 3,000. The Jaleh Square massacre was considered the turning point between sporadic acts of popular rebellion against the shah to genuine revolution.

The shah asked President Carter to reiterate his public support, which Carter did in a statement from the White House reaffirming the close ties between Iran and the U.S. The statement, which was read over the air on Tehran Radio, only served to identify the US with the Jaleh Square massacre."

Anonymous said...

Carter gave lip service to the Shaw and that is it. he then sent that beady eyed Secratary of state to tell him to hit the road.Then carter tried to make nice with Kakamame. He damn sure did abandon him and left the vacume that created the present day situation.Not that I was a big fan of the Shaw but he was trying to bring those people into the 20th century.

Anonymous said...

well Jack, i like your insight and appreciate it...

* but that's not how i remember it.

among the many problems of the weak, inept Carter, he didn't realize just how hated the Shah was...

sure, Nixon and the Shah went way back, when Nixon was VP, and of course we were into a Cold War, and needed the ally. perhaps if Nixon wasn't so distracted, or if Ford had more time, things might have changed.

but the CIA, and Carter blew it big time, by misreading the sincere threat, prior to the kidnapping of Americans...

of course, Carter the ninny, the nut, the loser, should have given the Iranians the fear of death, after they engaged in this act of War.

just my perspective...

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