Thursday, January 25, 2007

RFID implants

What Government Does


''It's kind of intuitively silly that a country that can't track a couple of million illegal aliens is suddenly going to be able to track a couple of billion animals.'' - Joel Salatin, the Lunatic Farmer

Mr. Salatin is speaking of a government program in the wings that would make farmers implant a RFID (Radio frequency identification) chip in every animal they raise, including chickens. The RFD Channel wake-up program on my telly yesterday, I listened for several minutes before hitting the record button. Here's what I learned.

The RFID initiative is a response to the Mad Cow Disease threat. That disease is caused by feeding cows other dead cows. We knew that. What we, me anyway, did not know is that it was the federal gummint's Dept. of Agriculture who pushed that idea, as a source of cheap protein, on livestock growers in the first place.



Anonymous said...

I don't know if this is still the case,but I read an article many,many years ago that a large part of the listed protein in chicken feed was non-digestable protein ie chicken feathers. Seems like a total waste of effort.Feeding dead cows to cattle seems a hell of a lot more serious therefore it's amazing that anyone came up with that idea in the first place.Cattle are NOT after all, meat eaters.Wouldn't someone understand that cattle diseases would be transmitted.Just like when people eat people,like in New Guinea.In the old days they ate their revered relatives brains and got a disease similiar to MAD COW.Science takes waaay to long to figure out some things.My current "when will they figure it out" is this:After 50 years figuring out that asbestos can kill you, how long will it take to discover that fiberglass has pretty much the same characteristics?......Oh boy.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yours is pretty much the same point he made before I turned the recording contraption on. If nothing else, it ought to have been intuitively dismissed.

Anonymous said...

Rendering plants.
In go dead animals such as cows, horses, deer, dogs and cats among other things, and out goes animal fat, bone meal, etc..
That animal fat is then mixed with grain to provide feed for

The stupidity continues.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for a guest worker program that includes implantation of an I.D. chip that matches the guests issued photo I.D.. Of course the entry visa fee must pay for this, as well as projected costs of damages to property and persons these guests may generate. The chips could be implanted after the guest passes their clean bill of health examination. That would also give the authorities time to verify thar said guest is in fact who they claim to be, criminal record, financial status, all the stuff other countries ask of Americans that want to work there. See this isn't a big deal!

Anonymous said...

So long as that ID chip is glued to the front of a 9mm slug, I'm all for it. Let them stay the hell home. America used to take care of itself very well, thank you, without tens of millions of diseased and uneducated foreigners spilling into its cities to change the sheets, cut the lawns and watch the babies.

An ID chip isn't worth shit. INS won't even throw out illegals when they're arrested for criminal behaviour.

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