Saturday, February 24, 2007

Globa warming l lawsuits

Hollywood Reality
This week I've been noting similarities between shakedown artist's war on tobacco, fast food,  and the leftist sponsored global warming hysteria.  Now we can expect more and more lawsuits.  Corporations have a legal responsibility (lest they be sued) to protect stockholders, so these suits are aimed at forcing companies into de facto recognition of the validity of man caused global warming, and "voluntarily" comply with demands. 

As earth warms, lawsuits mount
But problems arise when it comes time to pin down those responsible for climate change.

"The growing scientific consensus on global warming may prompt more than high-level policy decisions. It could also trigger more lawsuits."

Stop the tape.  Are we daft?  "Great scientific discoveries have never come about by consensus, but by bold scientists who have struck off on their own. When a thing is proven to be a scientific truth, there's no need for consensus. You never hear somebody say 'a consensus of scientists agrees that E=mc2."  That was novelist, medical doctor, and scientist Michael Crichton talking, but who said it doesn't matter.  Who out there can challenge it? 

When Algore pompously declares that the "debate is over," that "there's a consensus," which statement is immediately challenged by actual scientists, it shows - has to show - that Gore is ignorant, or insane,  or FOS, or all three.  Doesn't it?  Instead, or because of that, Al Gore will most likely win an Oscar for the movie Hollywood leftists made about his loony-tunes book.  There's even talk that he might use the occasion to announce a run for the presidency in 2008.  That's how bizarre things have become.  We are forced to debate morons as though they were normal. Gah!


Linda Fox said...

This drives me crazy! I'm a science teacher, and I find most of the "information" available about global warming to be about what you'd expect of a scientifically-illiterate community trying to get everyone on the bandwagon.

I wrote about it

on the blog.

Let's stamp out scientific ignorance in our time!

Anonymous said...

But Linda, how do you feeeeeeeell about it?
That's what really matters- feelings!


Anonymous said...

According to news reports, Gore has spent $500,00 of his own money lobbying members of the Academy to vote for his fantasy. Just how does one do that?

Anonymous said...

"That's how bizarre things have become."

That sentence sits in my brain like granite. Any other words would merely be interpretations of your comment. So, 'nuf said.

Anonymous said...

"Lobbying" members of the Academy is what other professions would call "bribery". However, in the immortal words of Algore himself, "There is no controlling legal authority."

I would not be surprised if "his own money" in this case came from "consulting fees" paid by the Red Chinese. Just a hunch...

Anonymous said...

You think of all Ronald Reagan did for Hollywood, California, the US as well as our entire civilization--then you see these oozing, slimy pretenders like Gore, Ma & Pa Clanton, etc. winning/nominated for Oscars/Nobels...this article in Am Spec says it all, worth taking a look.

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